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In literature, temporal and spatial determinations are inseparable from one another. In "Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel" Bakhtin asserts that chronotopes are the organizing centers for the fundamental narrative events of the novel. And the chronotope makes narrative events concrete, makes them take on flesh, causes blood to flow in their veins(250). There are many chronotopes which are mutually inclusive and co-exist in the novel. These chronotopes' interactions are related to Bakhtin's dialogism which focuses on relationship with individuals. In The Four-Gated City, there are three chronotopes including London, Coldridge House, and Faris Island. First, London of the Cold War just after the end of World War II is temporal and spatial background. Second, Coldridge House is the center of Martha's awakening and the development of The Four-Gated City. The chronotope of the Coldridge House is both a point of new departures and a place for events to find their denouement. And the other chronotope in The Four-Gated City is Faris Island, where Martha realizes her ideal city out of a holocaust. London, Coldrigde House, Faris Island, and related chronotopes in The Four-Gated City are interwoven with one another and the main places of action in Martha' life. Based on the idea mentioned above, this paper examines the interrelationship of various chronotopes and focuses on Martha's responsibility and understanding of others at the Coldridge House and Faris Island in the process of development of The Four-Gated City through Bakhtin's chronotope theory.