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William Everson shows nature-centered spirituality to advocate nature and mutual penetration between nature and spirit. He mostly deals with the sexual energy and spirit of nature(the relationship of nature with God). When he has sexual relationship with a woman, he becomes selfless and open to every creature and finally identifies himself with it. This unity presupposes healthy sexual relationships. He thinks natural beings have healthy sexual relationships and can be a desirable model for human ego-stricken problematic sexuality. Sexual energy represents the energy web of all things and so he sees the same energy in nature like river and sea. He feels bodily and spiritual connection with sunshine by feeling the presence of God in it. Thus he advocates pantheism and later panentheism. He says that “God, the world and the Holy Spirit is one,” identifying Jesus Christ with the world and so he connects the pain and sacrifice of nature with those of Jesus Christ. Nature in the world is “a blemishless book” and shows simplicity perfectly compatible to God’s will. Nature as it is has the holiness of God. Thus Everson can feel “God awe” in two trees embracing each other which he admires as the symbol of holy love.