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In this thesis, I will explore the significance of children’s playing areas. While young children are actively involved in their plays, the locations of their playing are changed from the potential space to the middle area according to the different periods of their ages. In The Snow Man, a young boy (no name is given) and in Gorilla, Hanna, a young girl, are in the different developmental stages whose age-differences expose their specific characteristics in terms of the types of playing areas. For the thesis, firstly I will explore the ‘second transitional object’ and ‘potential space’ on which the fantastic interplays of the young child with a snow man are acted out. Secondly, I will analyze the importance of the ‘intermediate area’ in which Hanna makes her intersubjective plays with Aldo, a rabbit doll. The intermediate area is a special place of children’s playing; both the private inner world and the outer real world are interrelated.