초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The political background of the northeast Project is to strengthen Sinocentric -nationalism. As Socialism is not supported, new ruling ideology is required. And the need to weaken the region-based nationalism is also increased. Sinocentric-nationalism depends on the theory of a unified multi-nation state. The hegemonic logic of the northeast project is to contribute to a unified multi-nation state which is the make-up principle of PRC. The leading logics of the northeast project are the historical view based on territorial supremacy, misused tribute-investiture theory, impellent historical theory that two countries can use one history. These is to be called sinocetric history-hegemonism. The political purpose of the northeast project is to promote the stability of Northeast Region that is associated with the geopolitical and demographic characteristics. That will be ready for the political events in Northeast region such as followings : 1. Chosunjok(minority ethnic Koreans)'s conflict on identity that was followed by Korea-China normalization, 2. North Korea's instability due to economic hardship and famine, 3. Northeast development strategy that is to promote economic growth and prosperity in Northeast region, 4. Territorial dispute in Northeast region that may have emerged since the reunification of Korea.