초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The ultimate goal of this research is to analyze the business types and greenhouse gas emissions of the companies in the Iksan Industrial Complex (1st, 2nd Industrial Complex), and based on this, draw up a mediumlong term road map for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This road map will be used as the preliminary data for construction of the foundation for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the establishment of the policies against the climate changes. We reviewed the measures to reduce greenhouse gas emission by main business type in the Iksan Industrial Complex, and suggested a medium-long term road map for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. As a result of the reduction effect of greenhouse gas emission by the reduction plan for the main companies in the Iksan Industrial Complex (1st, 2nd Industrial Complex),it was investigated that the greenhouse gas reduction through the improvement of operating methods, and equipment, the heat recovery from exhausted gas, heat treatment were effective in the economic, environmental and technical aspects. Also, it was estimated that the application of greenhouse gas reduction plan would reduce a total of 49,886 tCO_2eq in 2015.