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We need to redefine what spirituality is in post-modernity. The reason is because spirituality for missionaries has become a significant issue among the cross-cultural ministers. Historically, scholars have had a lot of debates on defining spirituality. The author, however, approaches spirituality synthetically rather than analytically. First, the author introduces three kinds of spirituality in the views of Thomas a’ Kempis, Lewis Chafer and Donald Dorr who greatly influenced the consideration of spiritual growth and life. Thomas insisted that Jesus Christ must be the MODEL in his or her own life. In other words, a spiritual person is a person who makes efforts to learn how to follow Jesus. In other words, a spiritual person is who casts away one’s own will and humbly obeys God’s will. Then he or she can enjoy the peace and the joy in the Holy Spirit from the Kingdom perspective. Second, Lewis suggested the "threefold classification" in order to describe three kinds of persons according to 1 Corinthians 2:9-3:4: the natural man who does not understand God’s revelation, the carnal Christians who are acting according to the worldly things, and the spiritual persons who have faith in Jesus Christ while depending on the works of the Holy Spirit. Third, Donald has somewhat different perspective compared with other two scholars. He asserted that spirituality comes from the God's transcendent at the same time immanent work related with Micah 6:8. Spirituality is a true “religious conversion” that is balanced in justice, mercy and humbleness in terms of personal relationship with God. In conclusion, a spiritual person must distinguish what is a secular spirit from the divine Spirit in the Word of God. He or she who has God’s Spirit must show a model to love neighbors and to serve others like Jesus. True spirituality is not based on a “doctrine”, an “ism” or a “movement”. The spirituality rather is a discipline that tries to resemble the personality of Jesus Christ in an individual's daily life.

We need to redefine what spirituality is in post-modernity. The reason is because spirituality for missionaries has become a significant issue among the cross-cultural ministers. Historically, scholars have had a lot of debates on defining spirituality. The author, however, approaches spirituality synthetically rather than analytically. First, the author introduces three kinds of spirituality in the views of Thomas a’ Kempis, Lewis Chafer and Donald Dorr who greatly influenced the consideration of spiritual growth and life. Thomas insisted that Jesus Christ must be the MODEL in his or her own life. In other words, a spiritual person is a person who makes efforts to learn how to follow Jesus. In other words, a spiritual person is who casts away one’s own will and humbly obeys God’s will. Then he or she can enjoy the peace and the joy in the Holy Spirit from the Kingdom perspective. Second, Lewis suggested the "threefold classification" in order to describe three kinds of persons according to 1 Corinthians 2:9-3:4: the natural man who does not understand God’s revelation, the carnal Christians who are acting according to the worldly things, and the spiritual persons who have faith in Jesus Christ while depending on the works of the Holy Spirit. Third, Donald has somewhat different perspective compared with other two scholars. He asserted that spirituality comes from the God's transcendent at the same time immanent work related with Micah 6:8. Spirituality is a true “religious conversion” that is balanced in justice, mercy and humbleness in terms of personal relationship with God. In conclusion, a spiritual person must distinguish what is a secular spirit from the divine Spirit in the Word of God. He or she who has God’s Spirit must show a model to love neighbors and to serve others like Jesus. True spirituality is not based on a “doctrine”, an “ism” or a “movement”. The spirituality rather is a discipline that tries to resemble the personality of Jesus Christ in an individual's daily life.