초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper interprets the seven plagues which appear in the vision of seven bowls from the perspective of the victims. The author of the Apocalypse of John claims that the history of violence will not go on like now continually, but will come to an end by the judgment of God. The climax of the seven plagues is the destroy of the great Babylon. That means not only the elimination of the structure of oppression of the Roman Empire, but also the liberation of its victims. This paper also deals with the text of Armageddon war which is situated between the sixth plague and the seventh plague. John and his contemporary readers stand in the present time between these two plagues. It means that John situated intentionally the Armageddon war as the last war in this present time of his days. Therefore, the text of Armageddon war should not be understood as a prophecy which will take place in the future. Rather it should be understood in terms of the yearning for the destroy of the systems of Roman imperialism and war in the days of John. His ethical imperative to overcome the Roman imperialism and war system is very relevant to us korean Christians living in the divided Korean peninsula.