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This article aims for understanding of academic contribution of Professor Yang-Ho Lee, who opens a new horizon in the study of Church history through his excellent methodology of the concentric structure composed of center and periphery. In order to do it, first of all, I examined his world-renowned researches on John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards in chapter two. In chapter three, I summarized his historical evaluation of Edwards in three points. That is, he is the greatest philosopher in the United States, a prominent theologian, and one of the most significant heirs of the Calvinistic tradition. In his article of Jonathan Edwards’ concept of faith, Yang-Ho Lee analyzed the theology of Jonathan Edwards into six points. First, like John Calvin, Edwards regarded the faith as a work of the Holy Spirit. Second, he emphasized the intellect as well as the heart in faith. Third, he syllogistically accentuated the practice of the faith, while giving priority to the justification by faith. Fourth, he solidified the trinitarian scheme of the faith. Fifth, he did not overlook the revelation in nature. Sixth, he declared that the end of the creation is for the glory of God. Attempting comparative analysis of the controversial issues with his concentric scheme, Yang-Ho Lee tried to make a synthesis of them or suggest new alternatives. Based on it, Jonathan Edwards could be regarded as one of the greatest thinkers combining Calvinistic tradition with new empiricism at that time.