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Recent studies show that midlife is a time of life that reveals the highest level of problem solving skills, judgement, creativity, and wisdom; it is the apex of one's professional life; the generation that serves as the pillar of church and society, and simultaneously bridges generational gaps. Thus, it is important to deliver alternative forms of Christian education of midlife to ensure they achieve their own generativity through the establishment of a proper self identity and public faith. Such education is especially imperative--almost a task of our generation--at a time that calls for the recovery of the Korean church's public role. Yet, traditional Christian education of the midlife has shown the following limitations: 1) absence of empirical data on Korean midlife, 2) education based on the modernist paradigm of human development, 3) education based on a patriarchical masculinity, 4) education based more on developmental psychology than on recent findings on midlife in the field of science, 5) education not reflective of the diverse facets of generativity. This study takes such issues into account to offer a fresh understanding of midlife studies based on descriptive and empirical researches, sociological studies, and discourse of the masculine and father discourse of the Korean church. It offers several significant points manifested in such research, then reconceptualizes generativity according to diverse understandings of generativity as core of midlife adulthood, through a dialogue with public faith. Finally, this study proposes the tasks of Christian education of midlife by subdividing the tasks into categories of self, family, work, church, civil society, and the ecosystem.