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관산성 전투의 패배에 대한 책임공방은 위덕왕 즉위 초 불안정한 정국을 반영한다. 다만, 국왕 및 왕실 친위부대의 구성과 왜의 지원은 왕권의 안정을 달성하는 하나의 요인이 되었다. 위덕왕 14년을 전후해 전개된 성왕에 대한 대대적 추모사업은 당시의 안정된 왕권을 보여준다. 위덕왕은 이를 기반으로 대귀족 사씨를 필두로 한 여러 귀족의 협조를 통해 대신라 강경책을 수립하였다. 백제는 위덕왕 24년~26년 신라와의 전투를 전개하였다. 이 때 백제는 축성을 통해 ‘추풍령로’를 봉쇄함으로써 성왕대 이래 추진된 한강 하류지역 수복계획을 실현하고자 하였다. 백제가 ‘추풍령로’를 봉쇄하자, 신라와 중국 사이의 사신왕래가 일시적이나마 중단되었으며, 백제는 한강 하류지역 진출을 위한 교두보를 마련하였다. 이 시기 백제는 주변국과의 관계개선을 도모하였는데, 이는 대신라 강경책을 원활히 추진하기 위한 수단이었다. 신라가 ‘추풍령로’를 재차 확보하자, 백제는 신라에 대해 대대적 공격을 준비하였다. 백제는 아좌를 왜에 파견하여 군사적 지원을 도모함은 물론, 군사적 요충지에 축성작업을 전개하였으며, 대외적으로 수의 고구려 침공시 향도를 자처함으로써 후고를 덜고자 하는 등 신라 침공을 위해 만반의 준비를 갖추어 나갔다. 그러나 백제의 노력은 결실을 거두지 못한 채 오히려 고구려의 침공을 가져옴으로써 대규모 신라 공격은 실패로 돌아갔다. 그리하여 위덕왕의 대신라 강경책 실패는, 이에 회의적 입장을 취하던 귀족들의 정치적 영향력을 확대시켰고, 이들이 중심이 되어 위덕왕 사후 왕제 혜를 옹립함으로써 왕계의 변동이 초래되는 등 정치적 혼란이 가중되었다.

A responsibility argument regarding the defeat in GwanSan-Seong(管山城) battle reflects an unstable political situation in the early era of King Wedeok(威德王). But An organizing the Royal Guards and the assistance of Wae(倭) worked to one of the factors to achieve stability of royal authority. Unfolding the large-scale memorial services for King Seong(聖王) shows stable royal authority in about 14th year of King Wedeok. And on the basis of this, King Wedeok established hard-line deplomatic policy against Silla(對新羅 强硬策) with the cooperation of the Sa(沙氏) which was the most powerful and other nobles. Baekje(百濟) had battle Silla in 24th~25th year of King Wedeok. At this time, Baekje closed 'Chupungryung-road(秋風嶺路)' by the construction of castles so that it tried to complete the lower reache-areas of Han River recovery plane(漢江 下流地域 收復計劃) which had been propeled since King Seong. Relation between Silla and China was temporarily discontinued because Baekje closed 'Chupungryung-road'. And Baekje established a bridgehead for debouching the lower reache-areas of Han River. At this time, Baekje improved the relationship with the surrounding contries, this was a method to steady progressing hard-line deplomatic policy against Silla. Baekje prepared for a large-scale war against Silla, because Silla secured 'Chupungryung-road' again. For instance, Baekje attempted to attract military assistance by sending the prince, Ajoa(阿佐) to Wae and also developed the construction of castles at the important military points. And Baekje declared to help Soo(隋) in order to prevent freed Goguryu's(高句麗) threat when Soo invaded Goguryu. However, a large-scale war against Silla ended in failure beacause of Goguryu's attack before Baekje's efforts bore the fruits. And so, failure of King Wedeok's hard-line deplomatic policy against Silla caused the expansion of skeptic's political influence and also led to the change of royal Family line for which King Wedeok's younger brother Hyue(惠) was enthroned after King Wedeok's death. As a result, political chaos augmented in the era of Sabi(泗沘) Baekje.

A responsibility argument regarding the defeat in GwanSan-Seong(管山城) battle reflects an unstable political situation in the early era of King Wedeok(威德王). But An organizing the Royal Guards and the assistance of Wae(倭) worked to one of the factors to achieve stability of royal authority. Unfolding the large-scale memorial services for King Seong(聖王) shows stable royal authority in about 14th year of King Wedeok. And on the basis of this, King Wedeok established hard-line deplomatic policy against Silla(對新羅 强硬策) with the cooperation of the Sa(沙氏) which was the most powerful and other nobles. Baekje(百濟) had battle Silla in 24th~25th year of King Wedeok. At this time, Baekje closed 'Chupungryung-road(秋風嶺路)' by the construction of castles so that it tried to complete the lower reache-areas of Han River recovery plane(漢江 下流地域 收復計劃) which had been propeled since King Seong. Relation between Silla and China was temporarily discontinued because Baekje closed 'Chupungryung-road'. And Baekje established a bridgehead for debouching the lower reache-areas of Han River. At this time, Baekje improved the relationship with the surrounding contries, this was a method to steady progressing hard-line deplomatic policy against Silla. Baekje prepared for a large-scale war against Silla, because Silla secured 'Chupungryung-road' again. For instance, Baekje attempted to attract military assistance by sending the prince, Ajoa(阿佐) to Wae and also developed the construction of castles at the important military points. And Baekje declared to help Soo(隋) in order to prevent freed Goguryu's(高句麗) threat when Soo invaded Goguryu. However, a large-scale war against Silla ended in failure beacause of Goguryu's attack before Baekje's efforts bore the fruits. And so, failure of King Wedeok's hard-line deplomatic policy against Silla caused the expansion of skeptic's political influence and also led to the change of royal Family line for which King Wedeok's younger brother Hyue(惠) was enthroned after King Wedeok's death. As a result, political chaos augmented in the era of Sabi(泗沘) Baekje.