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After late recognition of the importance of the information and communication, even with well developed educational infra structure, schools in France start to use media education. In addition, french text book in France includes not only reading the novel, poem but also media such as photo, animation, advertisement, painting to support understanding the structure of many kinds of media. In class, media education can be considered just as education through media. It also can be considered as an expression by media rather than production by media. We need to recognize that some media class just teach the media itself. But new paradigm of the media education is based on that we have the knowledge of the media. Student could be a reader as well as an author of the media text. We note that it is essential to establish the media literacy education that can understand media environment. We studied the media education in France as an example to compare with our current media education system. We note that the language in french education in France is not only limited by the verbal text but also non verbal text. As a result, korean school books need to be revised to include non verbal text analysis by using more systematic and theoretic based analytic method such as semiotics. This can be achieved by adapting culture education.

After late recognition of the importance of the information and communication, even with well developed educational infra structure, schools in France start to use media education. In addition, french text book in France includes not only reading the novel, poem but also media such as photo, animation, advertisement, painting to support understanding the structure of many kinds of media. In class, media education can be considered just as education through media. It also can be considered as an expression by media rather than production by media. We need to recognize that some media class just teach the media itself. But new paradigm of the media education is based on that we have the knowledge of the media. Student could be a reader as well as an author of the media text. We note that it is essential to establish the media literacy education that can understand media environment. We studied the media education in France as an example to compare with our current media education system. We note that the language in french education in France is not only limited by the verbal text but also non verbal text. As a result, korean school books need to be revised to include non verbal text analysis by using more systematic and theoretic based analytic method such as semiotics. This can be achieved by adapting culture education.