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退溪(1501-1570)는 戊辰年(1568)에 宣祖에게 「戊辰六條疏」를 바쳤다. 退溪 『聖學十圖』를 저술하기 이전에 이 「疏」에서 聖學의 의미를 명쾌하게 밝히고 있다. 退溪에 의하면 “人心惟危, 道心惟微. 惟精惟一, 允執厥中.”은 聖學의 淵源이다. 『大學』의 格物致知와 『中庸』의 明善은 “惟精”에 해당하며, 『大學』의 誠意, 正心, 修身과 『中庸』의 誠身은 “惟一”에 해당한다. 致知를 통하여 至善에 대한 眞知를 얻고, 力行을 통하여 至善을 실천하게 되면 자신의 본성을 온전히 알고 실천하는 聖人이 된다. 科學은 객관적 사실을 인식하는 학문인데 반하여 聖學은 자신의 본성을 인식하고 실천하는 학문이다. 과학자의 객관적 인식과 聖學의 본성실현의 학문은 서로 지향하는 바가 다르고 방법도 다르다. 이 두 가지의 차이에 대한 정확한 인지는 科學과 聖學의 상보적 융합을 크게 도울 수 있을 것이다.

T’oegye(退溪, 1501-1570) dedicated the Mujin six provisions memorial to the Throne to SunCho(宣祖) in 1568(Mujin:戊辰). This memorial to the Throne clearly shows the meaning of the sage learning, and we can find T’oegye’s view of it before publishing the Ten Diagrams on Sage Learning(『聖學十圖』) in it. He thought the sage learning is based on the passage “the mind of man is restless, its affinity to what is right is small. Watch carefully and practice hard, that you may sincerely hold fast the Mean.(人心惟危, 道心惟微. 惟精惟一, 允執厥中.)” “Investigation of things” and “perfection of knowledge” in the Greate Learning and “understanding what is good” in the Doctrine of the Mean are ways of “watching carefully”, and “making the will sincere”, “rectification of the mind” and “cultivating the personal life” in The Greate Learning and “being sincere with oneself” in the Doctrine of the Mean are means of “practicing hard”. If one becomes a man who has real knowledge of the highest good through “the perfection of knowledge” and practices the knowledge of that through “practicing with effort”, we call him a sage who knows our own nature and practices it. While the goal of the natural science is recognizing the object, the sage learning aims at knowing and practicing our own nature. Thus, natural scientists and sage learners have different views on aims and methods of their study. If we come to understand this distinction, it might be a great contribution to the complementary convergence of these two fields of study.