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이 글에서는 초등학교 사회과에서 세계사 교육의 가능성을 탐색해 보려고 한다. 우선 초등학교에서 세계사 교육을 어떻게 하는지 우리나라의 경우와 세계 여러 나라의 경우를 나누어 살펴볼 것이다. 특히 우리나라는 해방 이후의 교육과정과 교과서를 분석하여 초등학교에서 세계사 교육을 어떻게 하였는지 살펴보려고 한다. 다음은 초등 사회 교과서에 세계사 관련 내용이 어떤 모습으로 어느 정도 포함되어 있는지 분석할 것이다. 마지막으로는 이상에서 살펴 본 내용을 바탕으로 초등학교 사회과에서 가능한 세계사 교육 방안을 제안해 보려고 한다.

In this article, an analysis of the curricular and textbooks of elementary school social studies since the National Liberation, a review of cases of the education of world history in foreign countries, an examination of teachers’opinions, and an analysis of the contents of the current textbooks have been carried out to explore the possibility of the education of world history in elementary school social studies. World history related contents were taught in elementary school social studies from the period of syllabus to the second Curriculum since the National Liberation. We can find a number of cases from other countries inwhich elementary schools carry out the education of world history. Teachers also have voice on the possibility of teaching world history in relation with Korean history and of a partial education of world history integrated with general society and geography. From the descriptions in the current textbooks, we can identify that contents related with world history has been increased as background explanation for the understanding of Korean history. With the discussion so far, two proposals are made as plans for teaching world history in elementary schools. The first is an intra-subject integrative plan for teaching integrated contents of world history in relation with Korean history in Korean history classes, and the second is an inter-subject plan for teaching integrated contents of world history in relation with general society and geography. To teach integrated contents of world history in relation with Korean history is to understand Korean history in the context of the history of East Asia in the pre-modern period, and to understand it in the context of world history in the early-modern and modern periods. Also, to teach integrated contents of world history in relation with general society and geography is teach contents of universal human values in the realm of general society including human rights, peace, democracy etc. or contents in tandem with world history including the rise of civilization, religions in the world, pasts of countries near Korea. These plans can be referred to when the education of world history is to be carried out in elementary schools for the purposes of the extensive understanding of Korean history and of the education of world citizenship.

In this article, an analysis of the curricular and textbooks of elementary school social studies since the National Liberation, a review of cases of the education of world history in foreign countries, an examination of teachers’opinions, and an analysis of the contents of the current textbooks have been carried out to explore the possibility of the education of world history in elementary school social studies. World history related contents were taught in elementary school social studies from the period of syllabus to the second Curriculum since the National Liberation. We can find a number of cases from other countries inwhich elementary schools carry out the education of world history. Teachers also have voice on the possibility of teaching world history in relation with Korean history and of a partial education of world history integrated with general society and geography. From the descriptions in the current textbooks, we can identify that contents related with world history has been increased as background explanation for the understanding of Korean history. With the discussion so far, two proposals are made as plans for teaching world history in elementary schools. The first is an intra-subject integrative plan for teaching integrated contents of world history in relation with Korean history in Korean history classes, and the second is an inter-subject plan for teaching integrated contents of world history in relation with general society and geography. To teach integrated contents of world history in relation with Korean history is to understand Korean history in the context of the history of East Asia in the pre-modern period, and to understand it in the context of world history in the early-modern and modern periods. Also, to teach integrated contents of world history in relation with general society and geography is teach contents of universal human values in the realm of general society including human rights, peace, democracy etc. or contents in tandem with world history including the rise of civilization, religions in the world, pasts of countries near Korea. These plans can be referred to when the education of world history is to be carried out in elementary schools for the purposes of the extensive understanding of Korean history and of the education of world citizenship.