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본고는 북송의 개혁시기로 알려져 있는 神宗시기의 대서하정책의 배경과 전쟁과정, 戰爭論에 관련된 여러 논의와 인식을 고찰한다. 본고에서 다룰 내용은 크게 두부분으로 나누어 고찰하고자 한다. 첫째, 우선 신종이전시기 송이 어떻게 서하에 대한 대응을 했는가에 관한 것이다. 서하의 건국은 북송 인종년간에 이루어졌지만 사실 서하는 당말부터 하나의 뚜렷한 정치적 민족세력으로서 지금의 영하 일대에 자리잡고 있으면서 중원왕조에 대해 갈등과 복속관계를 유지 반복해왔다. 물론 본고의 중점 고찰대상은 이시기가 아니지만, 신종 시기 대서하정책의 배경이 되는 시기이며, 또한 신종시기의 정책과 대비되는 측면이 있기도 하다. 다음으로는 신종시기 원풍년간 이루어졌던 두 차례 큰 전역인 ‘靈武의 戰役’과 ‘永樂城의 戰役’의 전개와 과정에 관련된 것이다. 두 번의 전역은 결과적으로 송의 참패로 귀결되었는데, 전투의 배경과 전개과정에서의 문제점 등을 우선적으로 고찰하고 아울러 이러한 전역이 남긴 영향과 인식에 관련된 이야기를 함께 해보고자 한다. 특히 전쟁에서의 보여지는 송군의 갈등과 모순 문제점이 무엇인가에 대해 살펴볼 것이며, 둘째, 신종대 舊法黨과 新法黨으로 나누어졌던 당시의 정국상황에 입각하여 당시에 이루어졌던 대서하론에 대해 검토하고자 한다. 두 차례 전역의 처참한 실패는 신종시기 송조 외교와 대외경략책의 부정적 모습을 상징적으로 보여주고 있다. 이러한 논의를 통해 그러한 문제점의 소재가 어디에 있었는지에 대한 단초를 찾는 것도 본 논문의 중요한 문제의식의 하나이다.

This paper considered Xi-xia-war under emperor Shenzhong in Northern Shong era, China in the late 11th Century and discussions regarding the war. Through this, finding meaningful facts as followings, I drew my own conclusions. First, Song against Xi-xia-war in emperor Shenzhong era shows very negative attitude in several ways including the development process of the war. Above all, in the development process of the war, a chain of military command wasn't established well. Also, personal ambition and resentment disturbed achieving strategic goals. For example, In ' Ling-wu war', because of a commander's personal ambition, Yeng-Zhe castle couldn't be seized. Also, shifting the blame for defeat onto other subordinate generals is caused by the original weakness of Song Army. In Yong-le castle-war, Xu-xi, the then commander, ignoring the opinions of an experienced subordinate general is the decisive factor in defeat. Ignoring general Chong-e's opinion that because there is not enough water in Yong-le castle, to build a castle is impossible shows the weakness of Shung Army which was controlled by civil servants. In addition, general Xu-xi impeached Chong-e for not agreeing with him, which resulted in Chong-e not providing soldiers. In short, two times of loss of the big battles in emperor Shenzhong era shows the contradictions and characteristic in society under civil control at that time. At that time, a lively discussion of war against Xi-xia took place took place at a court in Shong. Old Law party figures who were in antithesis to the reform of Wang An Shi were against the Xishia war by reason of immature internal condition. Wang An Shi who attempted to reform the law with Shenzhong took his stand strongly on a foreign rule policy at first. But, after watching the situation of the Shong Army and several side effects of Xi-xia war, he changed his stance into prioritizing domestic reform. It reflects the fact objectively that Song didn't have enough military skill to overwhelm Xi-xia that Old Law party and New Law party including Wang An Shi, who were engaged in an unyielding confrontation over several policies and measures, took a similar stand. As a result, Xi-xia war in Shenzhong period ending in disastrous failure results from immature domestic condition, the lack of systematic line of command and weakness of military machine under civil control. Of course, these matters are not limited to Emperor Shenzhong era. But there is the biggest difference in that the war in Emperor Shenzhong period was conducted under Shong's attack, while war in Emperor Inzhong period was in Xi-xia's leading attack. In this sense, failure of Xi-xia war emblematizes the weakness of diplomatic and military skills in the period of Shong.