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This study aims to research for the debates on the constructing mosque between central politics and local politics, conservative party and progressive party to multiculturalism in United States and France. I think this would be helpful to estimate responses to Islamization of urban space and an important touchstone to forecast the direction of liberal multiculturalism of United States and Republican assimilarism of France. In the U.S. month 08. 2010, aftermath 9/11 the conflicts in that space which is named Ground Zero highlighted around the debates on the construction Park 51 Islam Community Center in New York Manhattan. In adddition, in spite of the supporting declaration of New York city government and president Barack Obama, Park 51 project was sparked to the nation due to the disagree of Democratic Party and Republican Party on multiculturalism politics. And at the same time in the cities like Murfreesboro of Tenneesee and Temecula of California in Bible Belt of U.S., similar cases were happened. And these constructing mosque project are secured as a constitutional right as the freedom of religion by a legal suit. Background in which events was happened is related to the one aspect of the patriotism as the U. S. is god blessed nation and the other a feelings in the respect of space politics that holy space which represent the pride of civil religions is menacing. In France, the law of separation of religion and state which enacted in 1905 prohibited financial support to religional facilities, but in 1980s support for mosque building was issues in politics. Basically Socialist Party and UMP, except la Frontière nationale, had positive attitude to support financial support to constructing mosque as a sign of secure right of religious freedom and socio-cultural tolerance to Muslim. Because it was expected to contribute to maintain the legitimacy of Islam knowledge and experience of ‘recognition' as ‘Islam in France' beyond classification and stimulate the unification as French. Especially after Banlieu affair 2005, as a part of trying to ‘Islam in France' to transform as ‘Islam of France', national and local government supported constructing mosque. As a result, as we can see in case of Cergy-Mega Mosquée completed in 2012, its constructing mosque was financed by reinterpreting Association Law of 1901. On the other hand, the propellers of Marseille Grande Mosquée raised question on the liberal notion of ‘French Islam' of Grandée Mosque de Paris as reference mosque, and stressed Mediterranien identity of Marseille demographic reality there lives about 250,000/8500,000 muslim, and suggested the notion of ‘Islam of Proximity' as a part of ‘Citizen Islam'. But in 2002 Nikolar Sarkozy was appointed to Interior Minister, and from that year National Islam Representative Institution was established, by a pluralistic strategic which checked oneside guide of Grandée Mosque de Paris but in co-operation with regional Muslim councils, from 2010 Marseille Grande Mosquée which represents ‘French Islam' is constructing now.