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Democratic education is the key goal of modern public education. The democratic education in Korean history has been performed in a way of viewing the historical development of democracy focusing on the area of Korean contemporary history. This study investigated how high school students understand democracy in the developing process of Korean contemporary history by focusing on 5・16 and 5・18. The 1st grade students of an academic high school in Busan were selected for analysis. The 33 students in the @th grade of the first grade recognized 5・16 as a “military coup (coup d'etat)” or a “military revolution”. Most of the students recognized 5・18 as a “democratization movement”, but there were some students who regarded it as a “riot”. When students' recognition was examined in relation to 5・16 and 5・18, two students who regarded 5・16 as a military revolution and 5・18 as a riot were incidentally the users of “Ilbe (Daily Best)”. Ilbe is the name of a website called the Daily Best Storehouse. It is known as the site that posts the messages that shows deep hatred and aggression against progress female foreigners. In-depth interviews were conducted on eight students who connect to Ilbe steadily at least once in 2-3 days. As a result, things in common could be found from the eight students as follows. First, The Ilbe users were sharing the same recognition about particular historical events. Second, they understood history in terms of dichotomy from the current perspective. They tried to divide all historical events and historical figures into the left and right. Third, they tried to overturn the narration of the existing democratization movements. Fourth, they have a negative emotion about democratization and democracy. The case of the Ilbe-using students indicates that Korea's education needs to create democratic education in a completely more sophisticated way. The specific education method to make democracy act as a substantially important value in each student's life is desperate.