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한국의 젊은 신대원생들은 미래 교회 사역에 주역을 담당할 중요한 신세대 이다. 이들이 젊은 성인으로서 자신의 영성 발달을 어떻게 인식하고 있는 가 를 연구함으로 복음주의 신세대 영성 발달을 이해하고 신학대학원 영성교육 에 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 질적 연구 방법을 사용하였으며, 신대원에 재 학 중이고 22-30세에 해당하는 M.Div. 학생들을 대상으로 일 년에 걸쳐 인터 뷰한 내용을 심층 분석했다. 신대원생들의 영적 성장을 인지적, 정서적, 행동적 발달이론과 함께 각 측 면에서 분석하였다. 모든 연구 대상자들이 자신의 영적 성장 과정을 이야기 하면서 영성 발달에 영향을 주었던 주요 요인들을 나누었다. 가장 많이 영향 을 받은 세 가지 요인은 의미 있는 타인들, 방황, 단기 수련회 및 세미나 참 여 순이다. 영성이 발달해 감에 따라 인지적 영역의 변화를 겸손, 수용, 개인 적 시각, 합리적인 결정, 자아 정체감 발견 측면에서 묘사했다. 그 중 자아 정체감에 관해서는, 많은 신대원생들이 하나님의 무조건적인 사랑 인식, 하나님의 은혜와 인생의 목적 발견, 내면적 관점을 지니게 됨으로 자존감이 증 진되었다고 말했다. 정서적인 영역의 변화로는 연구 대상자들이 사역자로서 의 소명 발견과 강화, 하나님과 친밀한 관계 형성, 타인과 친밀한 관계 향상 의 관점에서 설명했다. 행동적 영역에 관해서는 전도 및 봉사, 교회 출석, 습 관 변화 등을 들었다. 이 연구는 통합적, 전인적 관점에서 세 영역을 고려한 영성교육이 필요함 을 실제적으로 신대원생의 관점에서 보여주고 있다. 특히 영성 발달 과정에 서 의미 있는 타인들의 영향이 가장 크다는 연구 결과는 정서적 교육의 중 요성을 일깨워 준다. 인지적인 지식 전달에 치우친 신학대학원 영성 교육을 보완하기 위해 협동 학습, 봉사 학습 같은 정서적, 행동적 접근 방법을 조화 롭게 개발해야 할 것이다.

The purpose of the research is to establish a foundation for spiritual education in Korean evangelical seminaries by investigating seminarians’ understanding of spiritual development. For this aspect of the study, a qualitative research design was employed. All of the participants shared their process of spiritual maturity and highlighted the major factors that contributed to their spiritual development. Significant others such as parents, pastors and teachers were the most influential factor in the participants’ spiritual growth. Through trial and errors in their life struggles, most participants found a personal relationship with God and started to become planted and grounded in the faith. Participation in short-term retreats and seminars was also brought about spiritual growth and through their different life experiences. Personhood is comprised of the cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains. Changes in the cognitive domain affected by spiritual development was discussed at length in terms of becoming humble, becoming more open, possessing a personal viewpoint, making sound decisions in Christian living, and finding self-identity. Regarding the self-identity, many participants mentioned about changes in recognizing God’s unconditional love, becoming confident, reliance on God’s grace, finding purpose in one’s life, and becoming inner-directed. Many participants talked about affective changes in terms of calling, forming an intimate relationship with God, and forming close bonds with others by forgiving and increasing care. As to behavioral changes, some of the participants highlighted and expanded on evangelism, outreach, attending church, and changing personal habits. Holistic approaches to spiritual development are needed in contemporary evangelical seminary education. The affective and behavioral aspects of human spirituality and how these are integrated in the evangelical seminarians’ spiritual lives must be more roundly understood.

The purpose of the research is to establish a foundation for spiritual education in Korean evangelical seminaries by investigating seminarians’ understanding of spiritual development. For this aspect of the study, a qualitative research design was employed. All of the participants shared their process of spiritual maturity and highlighted the major factors that contributed to their spiritual development. Significant others such as parents, pastors and teachers were the most influential factor in the participants’ spiritual growth. Through trial and errors in their life struggles, most participants found a personal relationship with God and started to become planted and grounded in the faith. Participation in short-term retreats and seminars was also brought about spiritual growth and through their different life experiences. Personhood is comprised of the cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains. Changes in the cognitive domain affected by spiritual development was discussed at length in terms of becoming humble, becoming more open, possessing a personal viewpoint, making sound decisions in Christian living, and finding self-identity. Regarding the self-identity, many participants mentioned about changes in recognizing God’s unconditional love, becoming confident, reliance on God’s grace, finding purpose in one’s life, and becoming inner-directed. Many participants talked about affective changes in terms of calling, forming an intimate relationship with God, and forming close bonds with others by forgiving and increasing care. As to behavioral changes, some of the participants highlighted and expanded on evangelism, outreach, attending church, and changing personal habits. Holistic approaches to spiritual development are needed in contemporary evangelical seminary education. The affective and behavioral aspects of human spirituality and how these are integrated in the evangelical seminarians’ spiritual lives must be more roundly understood.