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스코틀랜드 신앙고백(Scottish Confession of Faith, 1560)은 최초로 개혁주의 신앙을 국가의 신앙을 선언한 문서이며 이후 다른 개혁파 교회들이 발전하 는 과정에서 출현한 신앙고백들에게 많은 영향을 준 문서로 역사적 가치를 지닌다. 본 논문의 목적은 스코틀랜드 신앙고백에 나타난 교회론 조항들의 구조와 내용의 특징들을 분석하여 이 신앙고백이 보여주고 있는 개혁파 교 회론의 신학적 요점을 밝히는 것이다. 본문에서는 우선 스코틀랜드 신앙고 백의제정과정, 저자, 그리고자료등역사적배경을검토하고이를바탕으 로 신앙고백의 전체 구조 가운데 교회론적 조항들이 차지하는 위치와 진술 상의 특징을 분석한다. 그리고 교회의 정의, 교회의 표지, 교회의 제도라는 세 가지 핵심적 교회론의 주제와 관련한 해석상의 쟁점과 관련하여 스코틀 랜드 신앙고백의 본문을 다른 관련된 자료들과 비교 분석하여 이 신앙고백 이 강조하는 신학적 기초를 드러낸다. 그리고 이 분석들을 통해 발견할 수 있는 결과는 스코틀랜드 신앙고백이 취하는 삼위일체적이며 동시에 구속사 적 구조가 당시 종교개혁의 상황에서 교회론적 쟁점들을 대한 개혁주의의 요점을 효과를 진술하는데 기여하고 있다는 점이다. 또 스코틀랜드 신앙고 백은 교회론의 쟁점들과 관련하여 그리스도께서 교회의 “유일한 머리”이시 라는 신학적 원리를 일관되게 주장하면서 이 교회론적 원리 위에서 그리스도의 통치를 실질적으로 나타내기 위한 교회 정의와 개혁적 제도를 제안하 고 있다는 점이다. 스코틀랜드 신앙고백이 강조하는 교회론적 원리와 개혁 의 지향점은 이후 스코틀랜드 장로교회 발전의 원리와 목적이 되었을 뿐 아 니라 이후 각 지역의 개혁파 교회가 발전하는 과정에서도 끊임없이 기억하 고 추구해야 할 교회론적 가치였다.

The Scottish Confession of Faith (1560) has historical importance as the document by which Scotland was declared as the first state of the reformed faith in Christian history. This confession also played an important role for the development of reformed churches in the other countries. The Purpose of this study is to illustrate the theological focal points of reformed ecclesiology by examining the structure and the contents of ecclesiological articles in this Confession. For this purpose, this study first reviews historical backgrounds, such as the process of composition and approval, the authors, and the possible sources of this confession. After this review, position and features of presentation of the ecclesiological articles in this confession are examined. This examination is the comparative investigation on the three ecclesiological themes: definition, marks of the church, and institution of the church. This investigation aims to point out theological principle of the Scottish Confession of Faith and tries to find answers to the questions concerning how to interpret ecclesiological ideas in this confession. It is argued as the result of this examination that the Scottish confession of Faith takes a trinitarian structure and a salvation history structure in harmony, and this dual structure serves to defend the reformed ideas of the church in the context of 16th century religious reformation. It is also argued that this confession consistently emphasizes the principle of “Christ as the sole head of the Church” throughout its articles, and it proposes the definition and the institution of the church with the intention of reformation to realize Christ’s rule over the church. As the conclusive evaluation, it is noted that this theological principle and the ultimate goal of church reformation in the Scottish Confession of Faith became an essential ecclesiological value not only for the Scottish reformed church, but also for the development of the entire reformed churches afterwards.

The Scottish Confession of Faith (1560) has historical importance as the document by which Scotland was declared as the first state of the reformed faith in Christian history. This confession also played an important role for the development of reformed churches in the other countries. The Purpose of this study is to illustrate the theological focal points of reformed ecclesiology by examining the structure and the contents of ecclesiological articles in this Confession. For this purpose, this study first reviews historical backgrounds, such as the process of composition and approval, the authors, and the possible sources of this confession. After this review, position and features of presentation of the ecclesiological articles in this confession are examined. This examination is the comparative investigation on the three ecclesiological themes: definition, marks of the church, and institution of the church. This investigation aims to point out theological principle of the Scottish Confession of Faith and tries to find answers to the questions concerning how to interpret ecclesiological ideas in this confession. It is argued as the result of this examination that the Scottish confession of Faith takes a trinitarian structure and a salvation history structure in harmony, and this dual structure serves to defend the reformed ideas of the church in the context of 16th century religious reformation. It is also argued that this confession consistently emphasizes the principle of “Christ as the sole head of the Church” throughout its articles, and it proposes the definition and the institution of the church with the intention of reformation to realize Christ’s rule over the church. As the conclusive evaluation, it is noted that this theological principle and the ultimate goal of church reformation in the Scottish Confession of Faith became an essential ecclesiological value not only for the Scottish reformed church, but also for the development of the entire reformed churches afterwards.