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This thesis examines the four rationales for the complementary relation between theology and science, and concludes that such a relation is compatible with God's intention and human experience. In theological perspective there should not be internal conflicts among facts, scientific or theological, for they are all God's truth after all. The conflicts are not derived from a deficiency of truth itself but from human narrow-mindedness and prejudice. Humans have limits in perceiving and harmonizing the truths, and are unable to understand them from God's or eschatological view-point. This situation makes the harmony and cooperation among all the serious disciplines necessary and justified. Moreover the necessity of the complementarity become urgent in that they aim to achieve a similar goal, which is the betterment of life condition and wholesome culture. This approach is required for the future of humanity and the realization of communal destiny.There is in the complementary model no room for science's tyranny or theology's bigotry. Those who follow the model should be humble and honest contemplating the vastness of world and the finite of humanity. They do not disregard scientific facts with religious authority and attack religious truths in the name of rationality. One would not be exclusive of another's view absolutizing his own. Humble person makes up what he lacks with other's resource, regard his own truth not as final but as penultimate, and continue to make a pilgrimage of faith and reason. God gave us two books: the book of His words(the Bible) and the book of His works(nature). Theology deals with the former and science with the latter. Humans made in His image are supposed to study both books, one with reason and the other with faith. In doing so, they would praise God the Creator, with the psalmist, proclaiming "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge."(Psalm 19:1-2).