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조사와 어미는 앞말이 자립형식과 비자립형식이라는 차이가 있고 일부 이형태의 교체와 수의적인 음운규칙에서 차이를 보인다. 조사나 어미로만 확인되는 목록이 있지만 단일 형식인 조사 대부분이 어미와 관련성이 있다. 단일 형식인 조사와 어미 가운데 형식과 의미가 동일한 ‘-이’, ‘-가’, ‘-을’, ‘-은’, ‘-아’, ‘-고’, ‘-도’ 등이 있고, 조사와 어미는 담화핵의 기능과 통사핵의 기능을 보이며, 앞말 뒤에만 통합하는 후치 요소로 비자립형식이라는 공통점이 있다. 또한 조사 뒤에 조사, 어미 뒤에 어미나 조사가 통합하여 계층구조를 이루고, 선행하는 어휘의 의미에 영향을 주거나 받지 않는다. 또한 필수적인 음운규칙도 동일하게 적용된다. 조사와 어미가 보이는 공통점은 형식과 의미, 담화 화용론, 통사론, 형태론, 의미론, 형태음소론, 음운론 전반에서 확인된다. 조사와 어미의 차이점은 공통점에 비하면 사소하거나 수의적인 것이다. 조사와 어미는 그 차이점보다 공통점이 크고 중요하므로 ‘교착어미’라는 하나의 범주로 묶을 수 있다.

The grammatical forms in Korean have been classified as the postpositions and the endings according to their distributions. The postpositions are attached to the free forms and the endings are attached to the bound forms. Regardless of the differences in their distributions, the postpositions such as ‘-i’, ‘-ga’, ‘-ɨl’, ‘-ɨn’, ‘-a’, ‘-go’, ‘-do’ and the endings such as ‘-i’, ‘-ga’, ‘-ɨl’, ‘-ɨn’, ‘-a’, ‘-go’, ‘-do’ can be explained as an identical form representing ‘one basic meaning for one form’. The common properties of the postpositions and the endings are that they function as the heads of the discourses and the heads of the syntactic phrases. The postpositions and the endings are the bound forms that are attached to the preceding locution. The obligatory rules in phonology apply to the postpositions and the endings. But the optional rules in phonology only apply to the endings. As the common properties of the postpositions and the endings are more important than the different properties, the postpositions and the endings can be defined as the category ‘agglutinative endings’.

The grammatical forms in Korean have been classified as the postpositions and the endings according to their distributions. The postpositions are attached to the free forms and the endings are attached to the bound forms. Regardless of the differences in their distributions, the postpositions such as ‘-i’, ‘-ga’, ‘-ɨl’, ‘-ɨn’, ‘-a’, ‘-go’, ‘-do’ and the endings such as ‘-i’, ‘-ga’, ‘-ɨl’, ‘-ɨn’, ‘-a’, ‘-go’, ‘-do’ can be explained as an identical form representing ‘one basic meaning for one form’. The common properties of the postpositions and the endings are that they function as the heads of the discourses and the heads of the syntactic phrases. The postpositions and the endings are the bound forms that are attached to the preceding locution. The obligatory rules in phonology apply to the postpositions and the endings. But the optional rules in phonology only apply to the endings. As the common properties of the postpositions and the endings are more important than the different properties, the postpositions and the endings can be defined as the category ‘agglutinative endings’.