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국어 대용 표현의 연구는 대명사 체계를 세우고 이를 다듬어내는 과제와 더불어 결속이론을 도입하고 국어의 매개변인화를 검토하는 방향으로 진행되어 왔다. 이 글에서는 국어 대용 표현 연구를 통사론적 시각에서 조명함으로써 대용체언과 대용용언 그리고 생략과 영대용화에 대한 그간의 주요 논점들을 소략하게나마 살펴보았다. 또한 대용은 그 자체로도 흥미로운 문법 현상이지만 이를 활용하면 구문 분석의 중요한 도구로 활용될 수 있음을 보조동사문, 사동구성과 부정구성, 병렬문, 접속문 등의 분석을 통해 확인하였다. 대용 표현에 대한 연구가 현재는 다소 소강상태에 머물고 있는 듯이 보이지만 앞으로 통합통사론 내지 통합문법론의 방향에서 대명사와 재귀사의 핵자질 설정, 공범주의 통합 기술, 비변형적 통제이론, 대용어 장거리 결속 등이 더 깊이 탐구되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

The study of Substitution/Anaphora(referred to as ‘S/A’ hereafter) such as reflexives and pronouns has been one of the central issues in modern Korean linguistics. It has been proceeded with two directions. One is the investigation from traditional and functional point of view, and the other is the treatment from the GB approach. In this paper, I would like to look around some syntactic aspects of S/A. Especially, I will study several problems on nominal, verbal, and zero S/A. When viewed through a number of literatures, S/A can be interesting phenomena as its own grammatical properties, and important parsing tools for auxiliary verb phrases, causative or negative constructions and parallel or conjunctive sentences. Although the study of the S/A is now a lull, many new attempts are ongoing for a unified syntax or unificational grammar of these issues. Specifically, those attempts are defining head features of pronouns and reflexives, describing non-transformational control theory, and explaining long distance binding of reflexives, etc.

The study of Substitution/Anaphora(referred to as ‘S/A’ hereafter) such as reflexives and pronouns has been one of the central issues in modern Korean linguistics. It has been proceeded with two directions. One is the investigation from traditional and functional point of view, and the other is the treatment from the GB approach. In this paper, I would like to look around some syntactic aspects of S/A. Especially, I will study several problems on nominal, verbal, and zero S/A. When viewed through a number of literatures, S/A can be interesting phenomena as its own grammatical properties, and important parsing tools for auxiliary verb phrases, causative or negative constructions and parallel or conjunctive sentences. Although the study of the S/A is now a lull, many new attempts are ongoing for a unified syntax or unificational grammar of these issues. Specifically, those attempts are defining head features of pronouns and reflexives, describing non-transformational control theory, and explaining long distance binding of reflexives, etc.