초록 열기/닫기 버튼

이 논문의 목적은 ≪병학지남≫ 이판본의 전체 계통을 고려하면서 새로 발견한 ≪병학지남육조언해≫를 국어학계에 소개하는 것이다. ≪병학지남≫은 그 이판본이 매우 많으나 크게 세 부류로 나누어진다. 무고본 계열, 최숙 개수본 계열, 정조 개수본 계열이 그것이다. 이 논문에서 소개한 ≪병학지남육조언해≫는 이 세 부류에 들어가지 않는 새로운 자료이다. 본고에서 소개한 ≪병학지남육조언해≫는 ≪병학지남≫의 권5를 언해한 새로운 자료이다. ≪병학지남육조언해≫의 권말 간기에 ‘乙未 大丘鎭’이라는 기록이 있다. 간기의 을미년은 이 책에 나타난 서지적 특징, 국어사적 특징 등으로 볼 때 1715년이 될 가능성이 매우 높다. ≪병학지남육조언해≫의 음운현상을 분석한 결과 ㄷ구개음화 현상이 약간 나타나고 ㆍ의 초기 변화례들이 몇몇 발견되었으며, 순자음뒤 원순모음화 ㅡ>ㅜ 현상은 극히 미미하다. 이러한 음운변화 역시 이 문헌의 간년으로 추정된 18세기 초기(엄밀히 말한다면 1715년)에 걸맞는 것이라 생각한다. 그밖에도 본고에서는 ≪병학지남육조언해≫가 담고 있는 어휘에 관해 특이어 및 군사용어를 중심으로 그 특징을 분석해 제시하였다.

I tried to set up a lineage of different version of Byeonghak jinam in this paper. This lineage is based on many editions of Korean translation on Byeonghak jinam. 1) a series of Hunguk edition: only vol. no.1 was translated in Korean. 2) a series revised version by Choisuk: This lineage has another name Namwonyeong edition, and in this version vol.2 was translated in Korean by Choisuk. 3) a series revised by King Jeongjo: The Korean translations in this version were revised by the King Jeongjo's command, and this version has a foreword wroted by King Jeongjo in the beginning pages. 4) Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae of Daegujin edition: In this book the Chinese texts of Byeonghak jinam vol. 5 were translated into Korean. These contents of Byeonghak jinam vol. 5 are on land training of army. This vol. 5 was translated into Korean for the first time. There is a publication record as 'eulmi'(乙未) year in the end of Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae. To decide on the publishing year of Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae, I compared vol. 4 and vol 5 of this book with those of other edition. I compared each other fifteen kinds of other edition, but I could't found the perfectly same edition. But I found a quite similar edition with vol. 5 of Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae. This is an unknown edition of Byeonghak jinam owned by me. Unfortunately this edition has not a publication record too. On the basis of style of wood printing and linguistic features of Korean in Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae, I estimated the publishing year of Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae about early in the 18th century(strictly speaking A.D. 1715). I discovered some kind of phonological changes through the analysis of Korean text in Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae. I found a little t-palatalization(ㄷ>ㅈ) and some changs of ʌ(what we call 'Arae a') to ɨ(ㆍ>ㅡ), lip rounding of unrounded vowel after labial consonants(ex. 믈>물) so on. These phonological changes are correspond with phonological phenomena occurred during the early part of 18th century in Korean language history. Additionly, I analyzed lexical features appeared in Korean text of Byeonghak jinam jukjo eonhae, for exemple, military words and a rare words so on.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Byeonghak jinam. Byeongha jinam yjukjo eonhae. Revised version. Hunguk edition. Choisuk edition. King Jeongjo. phonological change. singular word