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어떤 의미영역에 속하는 개념들의 상호관계를 탐구하여 개념지도를 그리고, 특정 언어에서 여러 요소들이 이 개념공간을 분할하는 양상을 의미지도로 그릴 수 있다. 이러한 의미지도 모형은 최근 언어유형론 연구에서 여러 의미영역에 적용되어 괄목할 만한 성과를 내고 있다. 한국어의 여러 어휘요소(털, 섭취 행위, 나무/숲, 색채, 친족) 및 문법요소(문장유형, 질문에 대한 대답, 종속, 부치사, 증거성, 비한정대명사, 계사, 단위사)에 대해서도 의미지도 모형을 적용할 수 있고, 각 영역에서 언어 현상 및 개념공간에 대한 우리의 이해를 깊게 하는 데에 기여할 수 있다.

You can study the relationship among concepts belonging to a semantic domain, and, based on the results, draw the conceptual map of this domain. Furthermore, you can use this universal conceptual map to draw the semantic map of that domain for a particular language. This semantic map shows the way various concepts partition the conceptual domain. Recently this model, known as Semantic Map Model, has been applied successfully to various areas. In this paper, I briefly sketch the application of this model to the task of semantic description of various lexical and grammatical elements in Korean, e.g. hair, eating and drinking, tree/wood, color, kinship; sentence type, patterns of answering to polar questions, subordination, adposition, evidentiality, indefinite pronoun, copula, so-called classifiers, etc. This model contributes much to the descriptive tasks, and can enhance our understanding on the basic concepts and issues related to various linguistic phenomena.

You can study the relationship among concepts belonging to a semantic domain, and, based on the results, draw the conceptual map of this domain. Furthermore, you can use this universal conceptual map to draw the semantic map of that domain for a particular language. This semantic map shows the way various concepts partition the conceptual domain. Recently this model, known as Semantic Map Model, has been applied successfully to various areas. In this paper, I briefly sketch the application of this model to the task of semantic description of various lexical and grammatical elements in Korean, e.g. hair, eating and drinking, tree/wood, color, kinship; sentence type, patterns of answering to polar questions, subordination, adposition, evidentiality, indefinite pronoun, copula, so-called classifiers, etc. This model contributes much to the descriptive tasks, and can enhance our understanding on the basic concepts and issues related to various linguistic phenomena.