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John 1:19-51 deals with four witnesses, John Baptist, Andrew, Philip,and Nathanael who testimonies the identity of the Logos that is mentioned in John’s Prologue (1:1-18). These characters is employed to clearly disclose Jesus’ various identities, “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (1:29), “the Messiah” (1:41), the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote (1:45), “the Son of God… the King of Israel” (1:49). These Christological titles predict the purpose, the aim and the direction of Jesus’ministry that are mentioned throughout the whole Gospel. For disclosing four witnesses’ purposes androles, we used a rhetorical structural analysis and exegeses. The structure of four witnesses has same form, guider who introduces Jesus to a character, the spiritual encounter between the witness and Jesus, testimony about Jesus as eyewitness, and propagation to another people for making another eyewitness. Nathanael who is the last witness in John 1 also testimonies Jesus’identity as the eyewitness but does not have propagation to another people. This reason is that the author of the Gospel demands us to become witnesses and to confess Jesus as the “Son of Man” that is Jesus’ self-declarative title.