초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study examines the logical structure and meaning of Romans 1:14-17. Paul states in 1:15 that he is eager to preach the gospel. Then he explains the reasons why he desires to preach the gospel in v. 15 and v. 16. Paul uses οὕτως and ga,r to show the logical relations within the verses. The first reason for his preaching the gospel is provided in v. 14 as οὕτως in v. 5 suggests: " I am a debtor." The second reason is shown in v. 16 as ga,r (for) suggests: "for I am not ashamed of the gospel." Paul provides the reason why he is not ashamed of the gospel with another ga,r in v. 16: "for it [the gospel] is the power of God for salvation." And then, He provides the reason why the gospel is the power of God for salvation with the third ga,r in v. 17: “for in it[the gospel] the righteousness of God is revealed.” With this logical structure Paul expresses effectively his desire to preach the gospel to Roman believers. Additionally in this text Paul emphasizes the significance of faith and the righteousness of God revealed in his gospel.