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The apostolic proclamation that the crucified Jesus is the Messiah(Acts 2:36) is the hard-core essence of the cannonical Gospels(Mark 1:1, 15:39;John 20:31). It is the Gospel which the apostles proclaimed(Acts 5:42). What is the origin of this Gospel of Jesus? Why Jesus, though he recognized his own Messianic identity, accepted his death on the cross? Mark 1:9-11shows us that God revealed to Jesus that Jesus is the Messiah who is to suffer for his people. According to the voice of God, Jesus is the beloved Son of God, with whom God is well pleased. The usage of the expression ‘the Son of God’(in Ps 1:2, 7, Mark 14:61, 4 Ezra 7:28 etc.) shows that it refers to the Messiah. God’s ‘beloved Son’reminds us of Jer 31:20, where Israel as God’s beloved son is promised to experience the new exodus and the new covenant(Jer 31:16-17, 21, 31-33). This intertextual connection indicates that Jesus as Messiah and representative of Israel will provide his people with the long awaited new exodus and covenant. The expression ‘be well pleased with’is reminiscent of Isa 42:1, where the servant of God is said to be well pleased with by God. Since Jesus is said to be well pleased with by God, Jesus is this servant of God who will suffer for his people (Isa 53) though he is at the same time the Son of God, i. e. the kingly Messiah of Ps 2:7. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, God revealed to Jesus his Messianic identity and his mission for the new exodus and covenant through the way of the suffering servant of God. This revelation explains why Jesus,though he recognized his own glorious Messianic identity(Mark 8:29; 14:61-62), ironically accepted the humiliating suffering. Therefore, the apostolic Gospel (that the crucified Jesus is the Messiah) originates from God’s revelation which combines the kingly Messiahship with the suffering servantship in Jesus.