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Erik Erikson(l902-1994) transformed Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis into a developmental psychology of personality and developed the eight stages of social-emotional development as follows. Unlike Freud, Erikson emphasized the positive contribution of religion to the formation of identity and regarded religion as the foundation of personality. He even extended life cycle beyond the adolescence to adulthood and claimed that both social environment and sexual desire play role in developing personality towards integrity. Erikson considered not only the past experience but also the present context in the formation of personality, puting ego over id and superego. As post-Freudian psychoanalyst Erikson, however, accepted the basic structure of self developed by Freud. As James Dittes and Walter Capps argued, Erikson's own experience was deeply related to his academic creation of developmental model. Therefore, we should recognize the limitations of his model in terms of culture, gender, and religion.