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In the period of Ming dynasty leaf tea is far more popular unlikely with the fixed cake tea of Tang and Song period. Also Ming is the time that 6 variety of tea was born in China. Another important point of Ming period is that many of tea related books were written comparing to any other time. Among them all, 『DaRok』by JangWon is the most important book, because it introduced the leaf tea making using high temperature hot pan in brief but comprehensive manner. Unfortunately however, its contents are somewhat difficult to understand. This study tries to clarify the ambiguous meaning of Bae(焙) as making of tea, Cho(炒) as roasting of tea. Also JangWon said most favorable picking time is dawn when the tea leaf is soaked with dew, but this study analyzed dew time cannot be a good time under making leaf tea using hot pan. And also prove that the meaning of one geun(斤) and half is 900g rather than 300g analyzing the size of hot pan and temperature.