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동북아의 전략환경은 탈냉전체제와 미국 외교정책의 산물이다. 탈냉전 초기 많은 요인들이 새로운 체제를 산출하기 위해 변화를 인식한 체계내 국가들의 일관된 정책없이 자의적으로 출현했다. 정책의 일관성은 국가이익과 군사력에 중요하다. 한․미 동맹은 재조명되고 새로운 변화에 부응해야 한다. 9․11 테러는 미국의 이전 봉쇄 정책을 대체하게 된 명확한 계기였다. 이를 기점으로 미국은 새로운 예방적 방어라는 안보 정책을 정립한다. 안보와 군사정책의 변화는 동맹정책에 영향을 미쳤다. 미국은 UN을 비판하면서 OAS를 하나의 대안적 모델로 제시한다. UN과 달리 OAS의 동맹과 협력의 주요 초점은 집중된 효율성(Focused Utility)과 제한된 구성원 자격(Limited Membership)이다. 동맹에 대한 다른 시각은 ‘의지의 연합’(Coalition of the Willing)에서 감지된다. 전통적인 동맹보다 협소하게 정의된 효율성과 테러리즘과의 투쟁을 목표로 내세운 것이다. 결론적으로, 한․미 동맹은 이러한 변화에 적극적으로 대응해야 한다는 것이다.
The strategic milieu in Northeast Asia is a product of the post-Cold War system and U.S. foreign policy. In the earlier part of the post-Cold War era, many elements emerged arbitrarily to produce a new system, without a coherent policy by any of the states within the system to recognize these changes. However, coherence is important for national interest and military power. The U.S.-ROK alliance therefore must also be reviewed and changed according to emergent circumstances. The 9․11 incident provided unambiguous motivation to build a new security policy, resulting in preventive preemption as the replacement for America's former policy of containment. Changes in security and military policies influenced the nature of alliances. The U.S. criticized the U.N. The U.N. was compared negatively against the Organization of American States (OAS), with the OAS furnishing an ideal model for alliances. Unlike the U.N., the main purpose of OAS alliances and cooperation is limited membership with focused utility. From another perspective outside of the OAS, in the war against terror the "coalition of the willing", with its narrowly defined utility and goals of fighting terrorism, emerged as much more important than traditional alliances. In conclusion, the ROK-U.S. alliance must adapt to these changes.
The strategic milieu in Northeast Asia is a product of the post-Cold War system and U.S. foreign policy. In the earlier part of the post-Cold War era, many elements emerged arbitrarily to produce a new system, without a coherent policy by any of the states within the system to recognize these changes. However, coherence is important for national interest and military power. The U.S.-ROK alliance therefore must also be reviewed and changed according to emergent circumstances. The 9․11 incident provided unambiguous motivation to build a new security policy, resulting in preventive preemption as the replacement for America's former policy of containment. Changes in security and military policies influenced the nature of alliances. The U.S. criticized the U.N. The U.N. was compared negatively against the Organization of American States (OAS), with the OAS furnishing an ideal model for alliances. Unlike the U.N., the main purpose of OAS alliances and cooperation is limited membership with focused utility. From another perspective outside of the OAS, in the war against terror the "coalition of the willing", with its narrowly defined utility and goals of fighting terrorism, emerged as much more important than traditional alliances. In conclusion, the ROK-U.S. alliance must adapt to these changes.