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Based on Denzin and Lincoln’s moment analysis of qualitative researches and that of Philimore and Goodson’s application on tourism periodicals, author investigates into Journal of Tourism Sciences(JTS), one of prime Korean tourism periodicals, while comparing it with Annals of Tourism Research(ATR) and other western tourism periodicals. He first reviews the concept, characteristics and differences laid within quantitative and qualitative methods. According to 1996 to 2006 JTS articles most of the writers were found relying on questionnaires study unlike those writers of ATR. Qualitative articles were found so few and simple methodologically that it makes us hard to say that Korean journal articles are over the quantitative threshold. The remote and immediate causes underlying this are discussed.핵심용어(Key words):질적 연구방법(qualitative research method), 양적연구방법(quantitative research method), 메타분석(Meta-analysis), 관광학연구(tourism research)