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This paper identified age discrimination in the hospitality industry, especially in the workplace. It also examined the impact of perceived age discrimination on job satisfaction and turnover intention. Data were collected from the employees of three deluxe hotels in Seoul from November 12th to 15th, 2006, and finally 232 questionnaires were analyzed. Two dimensions of perceived age discrimination were identified as follows; discrimination in human resource management and discrimination in human relations. The significant difference was found in perceived age discrimination by gender, job(department) and position level. The result revealed that the workers who had experienced the age discrimination in the workplace indicated lower satisfaction in his or her job itself, also with the supervisor and co-workers and in promotion and pay. The result also proved that perceived age discrimination in human resource management positively affected on turnover intention. 핵심용어(Key words):연령차별(Age discrimination), 직무만족(Job Satisfaction), 이직의도(Turnover intention)