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변 수 명변 수 정 의종속변수TYPE패스트푸드=1; 패밀리레스토랑=2; 한식=3; 중일식기타=4서비스 속성품질성요인QUALI품질성요인에 포함된 측정항목별 7점 척도의 평균치합리성요인REASON합리성요인에 포함된 측정항목별 7점 척도의 평균치적절성요인ADEQU적절성요인에 포함된 측정항목별 7점 척도의 평균치편의성요인CONVEN편의성요인에 포함된 측정항목별 7점 척도의 평균치방문빈도FREQ선호외식업체유형 1개월 간 방문 횟수(회) 인구통계특성소득(만원)INCOME100미만=1; 100~200미만=2; 200~300미만=3; 300이상=4성별GENDER남자=1; 여자=0연령 AGE20대=1; 30대=2; 40대 이상=3교육수준EDU대졸 이상=1; 대졸 미만=0 직업구분WHITE화이트컬러 직업군=1; 기타=0

The objective of this article is to compare two versions of inter-temporal choice behavior in selecting various types of restaurant in order to investigate the determinants inducing the behavioral difference. A multinomial logit(MNL) equation is applied to the data sources stemming from the 1999 and 2005 surveys. The equality of the MNL coefficients between the two versions is tested by means of the likelihood ratio test. The null hypothesis of no statistical difference in choice behavior is rejected. On the basis of the results from the test, the determinants influencing the differences in choice behavior between the two versions are scrutinized for a given type of restaurant. Inter-temporal choice probabilities for a given restaurant are also estimated using MNL model to determine whether there was a difference in patterns of choosing restaurant types between the two counterparts. 핵심용어(Key words):이 시점(inter-temporal), 외식업체유형(types of restaurants), 선택행동(choice behavior), 다항선택로짓모형(multinomial logit model), 우도비율검정(likelihood ratio test)