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This study is to examine the reciprocal relationship between a tour retailers󰡑perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. Author proposes a multidimensional model of service quality, in which customers' perceptions of service quality of travel agencies consists of three primary dimensions: interaction, core, assistance, all of which are defined by 11 sub-dimensions. I considered 5 hypotheses. Of the five, three were accepted. The summary of results is as follows; first, the interaction and core qualities had a direct effect on the tour retailers󰡑satisfaction and an indirect effect on loyalty; second, the retailers󰡑satisfaction had a positive effect on loyalty; third, the core quality was the most important factor affecting customer satisfaction.

This study is to examine the reciprocal relationship between a tour retailers󰡑perceived service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. Author proposes a multidimensional model of service quality, in which customers' perceptions of service quality of travel agencies consists of three primary dimensions: interaction, core, assistance, all of which are defined by 11 sub-dimensions. I considered 5 hypotheses. Of the five, three were accepted. The summary of results is as follows; first, the interaction and core qualities had a direct effect on the tour retailers󰡑satisfaction and an indirect effect on loyalty; second, the retailers󰡑satisfaction had a positive effect on loyalty; third, the core quality was the most important factor affecting customer satisfaction.