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Urban park has evolved with increasing leisure activities of citizens, thus it is necessary to administer urban park from the perspective of consumer's behavior. Therefore this paper aims to look into the value pursuit process of the urban park visitors with their family including their children, using the means-end analysis called laddering. The Means-End Chain theory links to the attributes of products or services(A), the consequences using the attributes(C), and the value of customers(V). This study obtained 10As, 8Cs, and 7Vs through depth interview of 11 urban park visitors who had been the urban park more than three times with their family, and collected data from 100 visitors at the Seoul Children's Grand Park. The results indicated that the ultimate values of urban park visitors are 'pursuit of family happiness' and 'enhancement of family bond' and the most conjoin linkages are 'simple activity process(A)'-'having pleasant time(C)'-'enhancement of family bond(V)'. The results imply that urban park visitors perceive the park as a casual place to spend time with their families and make connectedness within them.