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본 논문은 초등교육 단계의 맥락에서 교과의 성격을 탐색하여 초등교육에 부합하는 교과의 의미를 탐구하는 데 목적이 있다. 교과의 의미는 교육철학의 관점마다 다르게 설명되고 있지만 우리의 경우 학문중심주의적 견해에 치우쳐 이해되는 편이고, 학습자의 발달 단계와 상관없이 지식과 학문의 구조라는 동일성의 차원에서 해석되고 실천되는 경향이 짙다. 교과의 의미가 교육 단계의 성격이나 목적과 상관없이 탈맥락적으로 이해된다면, 단계별 학교교육의 정체성과 가치는 존재할 여지가 없다. 모든 개념과 의미가 텍스트적 의미뿐만 아니라 맥락적 의미로 실재하는 것처럼 교과의 의미는 삶의 발달적 맥락과 교육 단계별 맥락에 따라 다르게 이해되어야 한다. 본 연구자는 초등교육 단계의 맥락적 특성을 근거로 교과의 의미를 가치, 내용, 방법의 세 측면에서 각각 고유성의 발달과 사회적 삶으로의 입문, 실천적 지혜의 획득과 가치 형성 그리고 주관의 객관화를 통한 변증법적 발달이라고 논의하였다.

The purpose of this study is to consider the contextual meaning of subject-matter in primary education by conceptual investigation. The meaning of subject-matter has not been differentiated to various educational stages. Nevertheless, if it is possible to differentiate the meaning of subject-matter according to educational contexts, it is significant what's the meaning of subject-matter for primary education is discussed. The relevance between education and the contexts of life makes the contexts of education. Primary education as a contextualized language could be recognised as development for the whole being and preparation for the foundations for child's the future. In this manner, the subject-matter for primary education is intrinsic as well as instrumental in that it facilitates the present interests and needs of child and prepares foundations necessary for the future life of child. In this paper, the meaning of subject-matter for primary education is following : 1) the development of the characteristic and the initiation for social life, 2) the acquisition of practical wisdom and the formation of value, 3) the dialectical development through objectification of subjectivity. In effect, the meaning of subject-matter for the context of primary education could be founded only when we recognize the meaning of education as the process of life and acknowledge the unique values of various educational contexts.

The purpose of this study is to consider the contextual meaning of subject-matter in primary education by conceptual investigation. The meaning of subject-matter has not been differentiated to various educational stages. Nevertheless, if it is possible to differentiate the meaning of subject-matter according to educational contexts, it is significant what's the meaning of subject-matter for primary education is discussed. The relevance between education and the contexts of life makes the contexts of education. Primary education as a contextualized language could be recognised as development for the whole being and preparation for the foundations for child's the future. In this manner, the subject-matter for primary education is intrinsic as well as instrumental in that it facilitates the present interests and needs of child and prepares foundations necessary for the future life of child. In this paper, the meaning of subject-matter for primary education is following : 1) the development of the characteristic and the initiation for social life, 2) the acquisition of practical wisdom and the formation of value, 3) the dialectical development through objectification of subjectivity. In effect, the meaning of subject-matter for the context of primary education could be founded only when we recognize the meaning of education as the process of life and acknowledge the unique values of various educational contexts.