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The purpose of this study was to provide basic information through field research and physiochemical water analysis for tea water based on an old literature research. A survey of the site was conducted from June 2013 to December 2014. The results are as follows. The onsite water quality characteristics of tea water, such as pH, ORP, DO, conductivity, salinity, and temperature, were measured and found to be suitable for drinking water based on the quality standards of Korea. Microorganisms were detected in most cases, which might be due to mammals in the mountains.The long-term management of microorganisms was deemed necessary. The health impacts of hazardous organic and inorganic materials were either not detected or detected only small amount. This might be due to the influence of geological stratum, which suggests that health is not a major problem. The overall analysis showed that the investigated waters were clean. On the other hand, some unused divisor was unsuitable for drinking water because of the congestion caused by the precipitated material.