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프로메테우스는 인간에게 ‘문명의 불꽃’을 선사해 주었다. 그가 인간에게 하늘로부터 ‘불’을 전해 줌으로써 인간으로 하여금 자연에 대한 잠재적인 장악력을 갖도록 한 것이다. 근대 문명이나 문화는 자연의 도구화로부터 생기며, 근대 교육학은 도구화된 자연에 대한 앎을 추구하는 실증주의의 흐름에 갇혀 있다. 그러나 20세기를 전후하여 인문학은 신화의 귀환이라는 주제, 상징 혹은 상상계의 은하수를 중심으로 움직이는 세계관의 자장 속에 점점 더 깊숙이 빨려 들고 있다. 따라서, 이미지와 상징에 대한 가치론적인 재평가가 교육의 장에서 이루어져야 한다. 진정한 휴머니즘은 자아로부터 출발하지 않는다고 말하는 레비스트로스의 사상과 신화학 전반에는 개인주의와 자유주의에 바탕을 둔 휴머니즘에 대한 회의가 짙게 깔려 있다. 신화학『벌거벗은 인간』에서, 그는 인간이 더불어 사는 교환의 존재이며, 나눔과 교환과 거래의 개념이 모든 신화를 지배하고 있다고 말하고 있다. 본 연구는 ‘신화’를 통하여 자연과 문화가 적절한 균형을 이루게 함으로써 근대 과학의 한계와 근대 교육을 보완하는 생태교육학의 문을 여는 데 의미가 있다.

The purpose of this study is to examine the eco-educational philosophy implied in the mythical thought of Levi-Strauss who has, up to now, been known only as a spearhead of intellectualism and formal structuralism. Specially I will examine Levi-Strauss' thought focusing on his Humanism and analyze savage ethica of Nakazawa Shinichi who was in collusion with Levi-Strauss. The result of this research will provide a significant base for the field of discussion on new eco-education. Levi-Strauss'『Savage Mind』is the result of endeavor to overcome the intelligence and sensitivity that confront each other predominantly in traditional Western thought. Through his『Savage Mind』, he tried to show there is no difference between the thought of primitives and the thought of civilized human beings. Levi-Strauss spread out his thought with ecological perspective of the world in which human beings and the nature are regarded as inter-related beings, not as independent beings. Therefore, this research indicates we need a Copernican change in our viewpoints on ecological perspective of the world in Levi-Strauss' and Nakazawa Shinichi's mythology. I examined the significance of mythical thought on eco-education, in the aspects of 'Ecological Approach to Education', 'Inquiry of Possibility of Korean Myth and Education System Analysis', 'Education of Cooperation rather than Competition', and 'Myth Education and Multiple Intelligence Theory'. This research will lead to an era of eco-pedagogy by complementing the modern pedagogy that has been based on positivism and enlightenment. This insinuates transfer of viewpoints from a human-centered world to a human-discentered world. The eco-pedagogy pursues life-oriented values and has an attribute to practice nature-friendly education. The major subject of science that has ecological approaches is to contribute to coexistence and co-prosperity of mankind. With the same manner, the purpose of life-oriented education is to contribute to social development, respecting the relationship between human being and the nature, and the relationship among human beings and to let the new generations lead wealthy and healthy lives in the balance of nature and culture.

The purpose of this study is to examine the eco-educational philosophy implied in the mythical thought of Levi-Strauss who has, up to now, been known only as a spearhead of intellectualism and formal structuralism. Specially I will examine Levi-Strauss' thought focusing on his Humanism and analyze savage ethica of Nakazawa Shinichi who was in collusion with Levi-Strauss. The result of this research will provide a significant base for the field of discussion on new eco-education. Levi-Strauss'『Savage Mind』is the result of endeavor to overcome the intelligence and sensitivity that confront each other predominantly in traditional Western thought. Through his『Savage Mind』, he tried to show there is no difference between the thought of primitives and the thought of civilized human beings. Levi-Strauss spread out his thought with ecological perspective of the world in which human beings and the nature are regarded as inter-related beings, not as independent beings. Therefore, this research indicates we need a Copernican change in our viewpoints on ecological perspective of the world in Levi-Strauss' and Nakazawa Shinichi's mythology. I examined the significance of mythical thought on eco-education, in the aspects of 'Ecological Approach to Education', 'Inquiry of Possibility of Korean Myth and Education System Analysis', 'Education of Cooperation rather than Competition', and 'Myth Education and Multiple Intelligence Theory'. This research will lead to an era of eco-pedagogy by complementing the modern pedagogy that has been based on positivism and enlightenment. This insinuates transfer of viewpoints from a human-centered world to a human-discentered world. The eco-pedagogy pursues life-oriented values and has an attribute to practice nature-friendly education. The major subject of science that has ecological approaches is to contribute to coexistence and co-prosperity of mankind. With the same manner, the purpose of life-oriented education is to contribute to social development, respecting the relationship between human being and the nature, and the relationship among human beings and to let the new generations lead wealthy and healthy lives in the balance of nature and culture.