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평생학습사회의 변화하는 교육 현실 속에서 교육철학이 그 반성기준을 제시해야 할 중요한 과제로서 주체적이고 새로운 교육패러다임의 형성, 개인의식의 성장을 통한 공동체 의식의 형성, 새로운 교육적 인간상 정립, 그리고 평생 학습권 및 인권 개념의 정립 등의 과제를 들 수 있다. 그리고 이러한 과제를 실현하기 위해서는 먼저 그 동안 우리의 교육철학적 논의가 지녀온 비주체적 담론과 서구 콤플렉스 및 기능주의의 문제를 극복하려는 노력이 무엇보다도 시급하다. 이러한 노력은 우리의 교육철학이 학교교육뿐만 아니라, 우리 사회 속에서 이루어지는 개인적/사회적 삶의 전 과정에 관련된 교육현상으로서의 삶을 역사적으로 이해하고 철학적으로 반성함으로써 평생학습사회 속에서의 우리의 삶이 그 마땅히 지향해야만 하는 '인간화'를 실현하기 위한 방향이 될 수 있도록 하는 데 필수적이다. 이러한 노력은 우리 교육철학의 학문적 주체성을 확립할 수 있는 길일뿐만 아니라 학문적 위상을 높이는 길이기도 하다.

Lifelong learning society is the essential part of the whole picture of the society in 21 century. Lifelong learning society might be able to free us from the cultural traps of 21 century’s post-modern world. The notion of learning through life is hardly new. However, with the development of ‘lifelong learning society' makes it general that education should be lifelong. According to this view, lifelong education must not be regarded as a luxury for a few exceptional persons here and there, nor as a thing which concerns only a short span of early humanhood, but that lifelong education is a permanent national necessity, an inseparable aspect of citizenship, and therefore should be universal. Philosophy of education takes charges for the provision of the vitality that enables education as well as society to realize the betterment of present situation in such a way that the right of lifelong learning is increased. Indeed, without the effort of philosophy of education, we will fail to develop the concept of the individual's right of lifelong learning to the degree that every individual in our society enjoys the human dignity and the quality of life. With philosophy of education, the value of lifelong learning becomes apparent to us.

Lifelong learning society is the essential part of the whole picture of the society in 21 century. Lifelong learning society might be able to free us from the cultural traps of 21 century’s post-modern world. The notion of learning through life is hardly new. However, with the development of ‘lifelong learning society' makes it general that education should be lifelong. According to this view, lifelong education must not be regarded as a luxury for a few exceptional persons here and there, nor as a thing which concerns only a short span of early humanhood, but that lifelong education is a permanent national necessity, an inseparable aspect of citizenship, and therefore should be universal. Philosophy of education takes charges for the provision of the vitality that enables education as well as society to realize the betterment of present situation in such a way that the right of lifelong learning is increased. Indeed, without the effort of philosophy of education, we will fail to develop the concept of the individual's right of lifelong learning to the degree that every individual in our society enjoys the human dignity and the quality of life. With philosophy of education, the value of lifelong learning becomes apparent to us.