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최근 교육계에서 ‘주변화’ 되고 있는 교육철학의 정체성 문제가 제기되고 있는데, 이 논문에서는 교육철학의 정체성을 찾는 하나의 거점으로서 학교교육의 문제를 제안하고 있다. 그 동안 우리의 교육철학 연구는 주로 ‘◦◦의 교육 사상’류의 교육사료(敎育史料) 정리적인 작업이 주를 이루는 반면에, 현실적으로 제기되고 있는 생생한 학교교육의 문제에 대해서는 적절한 연구가 이루어지지 못했다. 교육철학의 정체성을 회복하기 위해서는 이러한 연구 경향을 지양하고, 제도적인 교육의 장인 학교교육의 문제를 다룰 필요가 있음을 제안하였다. 특히, 철학과 교육의 결혼으로서의 교육철학을 제시하는 듀이적인 관점을 재음미함으로써 오늘날 교육철학이 학교교육의 문제를 어떤 관점에서 다루어야 할 것인지에 대한 시사를 얻고 있다. 그리고 이러한 방향에서 학교교육에 대한 철학적 탐구 주제로 오늘날 변화된 상황 속에서의 학교교육의 의미 분석, 학교교육 목적의 재조명, 학교 지식교육의 성격 검토 및 학교교육에서의 평등의 문제를 다룰 필요가 있음을 제안하였다.

Recently, some philosophers of education are concerning about identity crisis of philosophy of education. Most educators in America as well as Korea do not attend to the study results of philosophy of education. Because the voices of philosophers of education do not meet the needs of realistic problems of school education today. As a result, philosophy of education has been marginalized in education community. In this paper I proposed that we, philosophers of education start to refocus on school education in order to rebuild the identity of philosophy of education. Reviewing previous research papers of philosophy of education in Korea which were published in a academic journal, we can find easily that most of papers are dealing with the same research category. That is historical study on educational thoughts of great philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Confucius. In fact, this kind of studies illuminates affluent and deep educational thoughts. But, the educational thoughts of great philosophers do not give solutions for current school educational problems which are expected by most of school educationists. So, if philosophy of education wants to change their role in education community, philosophers of education have to refocus on the current problems of school education. We can find a very good example of it in J. Dewey's concept of philosophy of education. J. Dewey suggested that philosophy of education as marriage of philosophy and education must examine the contemporary educational issues. He argued that if philosophers does not examine the everyday school activities, school education degenerate in meaningless mediocre. Considering J. Dewey's suggestion, I proposed that researches of philosophy of education must refocus on current school education. Philosophers of education must illuminate the meaning of school education in the information society, reexamine the relevance of aims of school education, articulate school's knowledge education in the knowledge-based society etc.

Recently, some philosophers of education are concerning about identity crisis of philosophy of education. Most educators in America as well as Korea do not attend to the study results of philosophy of education. Because the voices of philosophers of education do not meet the needs of realistic problems of school education today. As a result, philosophy of education has been marginalized in education community. In this paper I proposed that we, philosophers of education start to refocus on school education in order to rebuild the identity of philosophy of education. Reviewing previous research papers of philosophy of education in Korea which were published in a academic journal, we can find easily that most of papers are dealing with the same research category. That is historical study on educational thoughts of great philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and Confucius. In fact, this kind of studies illuminates affluent and deep educational thoughts. But, the educational thoughts of great philosophers do not give solutions for current school educational problems which are expected by most of school educationists. So, if philosophy of education wants to change their role in education community, philosophers of education have to refocus on the current problems of school education. We can find a very good example of it in J. Dewey's concept of philosophy of education. J. Dewey suggested that philosophy of education as marriage of philosophy and education must examine the contemporary educational issues. He argued that if philosophers does not examine the everyday school activities, school education degenerate in meaningless mediocre. Considering J. Dewey's suggestion, I proposed that researches of philosophy of education must refocus on current school education. Philosophers of education must illuminate the meaning of school education in the information society, reexamine the relevance of aims of school education, articulate school's knowledge education in the knowledge-based society etc.