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This article aims at exploring Waldorf teacher training. It seems that Waldorf teacher training is a crucial element for success of Waldorf school today. Waldorf schools devote the education integrating thinking, feeling and doing capacities of children. They, therefore, require a teacher as an artist. The main features of Waldorf teacher training, which may affect Korean teacher training, are as follows. First, Waldorf teachers follow a continuing path of self-education. The fact that each school teachers is committed to teach the entire curriculum and teach different grade each year for 8 years is both stimulating and demanding. Through a continuing inner awakening and self-development, they nourish the enthusiasm for teaching. Second, Waldorf teacher training course integrate artistic and practical activity through the curriculum as a method of educating the whole child. Third, Waldorf teacher training is closely related to waldorf school.

This article aims at exploring Waldorf teacher training. It seems that Waldorf teacher training is a crucial element for success of Waldorf school today. Waldorf schools devote the education integrating thinking, feeling and doing capacities of children. They, therefore, require a teacher as an artist. The main features of Waldorf teacher training, which may affect Korean teacher training, are as follows. First, Waldorf teachers follow a continuing path of self-education. The fact that each school teachers is committed to teach the entire curriculum and teach different grade each year for 8 years is both stimulating and demanding. Through a continuing inner awakening and self-development, they nourish the enthusiasm for teaching. Second, Waldorf teacher training course integrate artistic and practical activity through the curriculum as a method of educating the whole child. Third, Waldorf teacher training is closely related to waldorf school.