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본 연구는 동서양 교육사상 연구의 동향과 전망을 탐구하기 위하여 교육철학회지에 게재된 연구논문들을 대상으로 분석하였다. 먼저, ‘서양교육사상’을 “서구, 즉 유럽과 북미를 중심으로 전개된 인간존재와 교육에 대한 사유의 총체”로, ‘동양교육사상’을 “중국이나 한국을 중심으로 전개된 인간존재와 교육에 대한 사유의 총체”로 규정한 후 고대에서 현대까지 이러한 교육사상이 교육철학회의 공식 학회지인「교육철학」에서 어떻게 연구되어 왔는지를 검토해 보았다. 서양의 경우 시기, 국가, 교육사상가, 교육사조별로 양적 분석을 하였고, 동양의 경우 사상 면에서 유교, 도교, 무속, 실학, 동학으로, 그리고 교육사상가 면에서 중국의 교육사상가와 한국의 교육사상가로 세분화하여 연구동향을 개관하였다. 이러한 연구동향 분석결과, 서양 편에서는 미국과 독일의 현대철학과 사상가면에서 여전히 듀이에 대한 연구가 주류를 이루고 있고, 동양 편에서는 다른 사상보다도 유교 관련연구가 활발하며, 사상가에서도 중국보다는 한국사상사가에 대한 연구가 진행되었음을 알 수 있었다. 향후 개인연구와 더불어 시대적 핵심주제에 대한 중점연구가 교육철학회지에서도 다루어질 필요가 있을 것이다.

The purpose of this study is to search for research streams and tasks of educational thoughts in Western and Eastern. For the purpose of this research, We have been analyzed essays that had been published in the journal of the philosophy of education from 1960 to 2004. In order to analyse western essays we have used categories such as historical period, nation, educational thinker and educational streams. The analysis shows that the published essays deal mainly with modern, german and american philosophy of education, especially Dewey's educational thoughts including pragmatism and progressivism. The analysis of the eastern philosophy of educational thoughts shows that the researchers have an interest in Confucianism and korean philosophy of education such as Toegye and Yulgok's thoughts of education. The result of this study reviews that there is a little significant progress in the variety of research subjects and methodologies, although those are concentrated on some specific fields in recent ten years. It has been suggested that the research of educational thoughts should be more interested in the real field of teaching and learning in the future.

The purpose of this study is to search for research streams and tasks of educational thoughts in Western and Eastern. For the purpose of this research, We have been analyzed essays that had been published in the journal of the philosophy of education from 1960 to 2004. In order to analyse western essays we have used categories such as historical period, nation, educational thinker and educational streams. The analysis shows that the published essays deal mainly with modern, german and american philosophy of education, especially Dewey's educational thoughts including pragmatism and progressivism. The analysis of the eastern philosophy of educational thoughts shows that the researchers have an interest in Confucianism and korean philosophy of education such as Toegye and Yulgok's thoughts of education. The result of this study reviews that there is a little significant progress in the variety of research subjects and methodologies, although those are concentrated on some specific fields in recent ten years. It has been suggested that the research of educational thoughts should be more interested in the real field of teaching and learning in the future.