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본 연구는 수단과 목적은 상호 구체화를 통한 연속성이 있다는 것을 논의하는 것이다. 전통적인 목적중심의 주지주의적 관점에서는 수단과 목적의 연속적 관계를 거부하거나 목적이 수단에 비해 우월한 것으로 본다. 그러나 듀이의 관점에서 보면 수단과 무관하게 그 자체로 가치로운 목적이 있다는 생각은 불합리하며, 목적의 정당성은 활동의 구체적인 여러 조건이나 과정과 같은 수단들에 의존한다. 목적은 수단에 의존하기 때문에 목적이 얼마나 구체적으로 달성되느냐는 수단이 얼마나 구체적으로 꾸려지느냐의 정도에 비례하게 된다. 수단과 목적의 연속성이라는 큰 틀에서 본다면, 목적이 수단과 동떨어지지 않는다는 논리는 수단 또한 오직 목적을 통해서만 구체화된다는 논리도 동시에 성립시킨다. 즉 수단이 얼마나 적절하게 선택되었는가는 목적이 얼마나 수단 속에 구체적으로 반영되는가에 달려 있다. 따라서 목적이 수단과 분리되어 존재하거나 수단이 목적으로부터 분리되어 가늠되어질 때에는 어떤 활동이라도 불합리하거나 의미를 가질 수 없게 된다. 이상의 논의를 기초로 할 때 수단과 목적의 연속성은 교육의 내용과 방법을 활동중심에서 통합하는 방식으로 다루어져야 한다는 것을 시사해 줄 수 있다.

This essay discusses and makes clear the meaning of means-end continuity in Dewey's philosophy of education. According to the traditional intellectualism based upon the dualistic metaphysics, end is precedent of and superior to means. End is determined first of all things. Useful means are selected and decided to achieve and realize the predetermined end. The point of view can be termed as ‘end-centeredness'. As for end-centered point of view, end is predetermined transcendentally by way of metaphysical inquiry. But for Dewey who rejects this kind of dualism, end does not exist in a transcendental way and cannot be determined by metaphysical inquiry without consideration of ordinary life. Such an metaphysical end is detached and isolated from out real life and concerns. For Dewey, a significant end is formulated by way of considering the specific and existing process and conditions of living and activity. At first, end will be delineated at large by considering the general conditions and means. Next the end will be revised and specified by inquiring the direct and systematic means. End decides the selection of means; means influences the determination of end. End depends on means; without required means, end will be a house on sands. A specific end can and should be defined and formulated with considering needed means. After all, end and means are interdependent. According to the interdependence of end and means, end is able to take on a concrete shape and a realistic meaning when means is defined and decided. Emphatically, end has a realistic and understandable form when it is embodied into means. In the same token, means is meaningful and understandable when it is useful and instrumental to achieve end. In other word, means are seen to be meaningful when it embodies end. Furthermore, according to means-end continuity, end emerges and is found out in the process of living, and so it is defined in considering the means which is required to achieve end. Besides, an achieved end becomes a new conditions of living and can be a potential means. End is not fixed and permanent; end is changing and revising continuously with the change of living conditions. When an end is carried out, a new end emerges again and is addressed newly. The idea of means-end continuity indicates that aims in education should be intimately related to specific conditions of educational process and circumstance. The educational aim should be defined and formulated especially with the consideration of the learner's situation, interest, and concerns. Education cannot and should not be autocratic and absolutist in the sense that the predetermined end overrules the educational process and the interest and concerns of teachers and learners. According to the continuity, education should be democratic in the sense that end, which is the crucial factor determining educational process, is defined in a democratic way by way of considering interest and concerns of the concerned, changing situations, social need, etc..