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대학은 학문의 전당으로서 지식의 탐구와 전수를 담당해온 대표적인 기관이다. 따라서 대학이 추구하는 지식의 성격은 대학의 본질과 모종의 관계를 맺고 있으며, 대학이 지향하는 바를 단적으로 드러낸다. 뉴먼(J. H. Newman)은 그의 대표적 저서인 『대학의 이념』(the Idea of a University)을 통해, 대학이 추구해야 할 것은 ‘총체적 지식’이라고 주장한다. 물론 그의 논의는 시대적 배경의 차이로 인해 우리 교육 현실과 직접적으로 관련짓기 어렵지만, 그가 대학 이념으로 제시한 ‘총체적 지식’의 개념은 자유교육은 물론이고 현대 대학의 이념을 이해하는 데 있어서도 중요하다. 자유교육과 대학이념의 성격은 ‘총체적 지식’을 어떻게 보느냐에 따라 달라진다. 따라서 ‘총체적 지식’의 성격을 검토하는 일은 뉴먼의 자유교육 아이디어에 대한 재조명인 동시에 현대 대학이 어떤 이념과 지식을 추구해야 하는지에 대해서도 중요한 시사점을 제공해 준다. 뉴먼은 형식적으로나 실질적으로 총체적 지식을 형성하는 데 있어서 신학의 역할을 강조한다. 신학은 총체적 지식의 일부이면서 동시에 총체적 지식을 가능하게 하는 조건이다.

A typical idea of a university, which is often called to an 'Ivory Tower', has characterized the cultivation of intellect in general and the pursuit of knowledge. It means that the idea of a university is conceptually connected to the realization of the ideal of liberal education. The purpose of this paper is to explore Newman's view on liberal education as the idea of a university and to examine his view. To accomplish this end, we dealt with the following questions: what kind of knowledge should we pursue at university? How can we understand Newman who is a theologian and liberal educationist and what is the place of theology in liberal education? how do we understand Newman's conception of universal knowledge with regard to the idea of a university?The logic of Newman's thesis goes the followings: the idea of a university is related to the realization of the idea of liberal education. Liberal education aims at liberating human (mind) through the pursuit of whole or universal knowledge. Theology plays a crucial role in forming a universal knowledge in that it is a portion of universal knowledge as well as integrating all knowledge. Indeed, according to Newman, the realizing liberal idea of a university at that time has failed due to the elimination of theology in university curriculum. In short, Newman's idea of a university can summarized as the following two propositions: 'all knowledge forms one whole', and 'theology is not only a portion, but a condition of universal knowledge'. Newman shows that the reason why university should realize the idea of liberal education, that the idea of liberal education can realize through initiating people into universal knowledge, and that theology plays a key role in forming universal knowledge. However, Newman's idea of a university should overcome internal tasks and external challenges. His idea should elucidate and elaborate the internal tasks, i.e., the relationship between whole person education and universal knowledge, and the role of theology in universal knowledge. Newman's idea of a university also should answer the external challenges. i.e., supercomplexity in a social dimension and post-modern value in a temporal dimension in order to be suitable for contemporary idea of university.