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현대 철학은 급진적 상대주의 경향을 보이고 있는 반면, 신자유주의는 보편성을 획득했다. 바디우는 이러한 상대주의화 경향에 맞서 보편적 진리론에 기반을 두는 정통적 철학의 재건을 시도하는 철학자이다. 철학계와 마찬가지로, 이론에 있어서는 구성주의 교육론과 다문화교육론으로 대표되는 상대주의화, 실제에 있어서는 신자유주의의 보편화 현상을 보이고 있는 교육학에 있어서 바디우의 철학은 큰 의미를 가진다. 즉 바디우 철학에 의하면, 구성주의 교육론에 있어서는 학습자로 하여금 자신의 사고 및 행동 방식, 더 나아가 존재방식까지도 바꾸는 경지에 이르도록 학습자를 자극하고 격려한다는 점, 다문화 교육은 다른 점보다는 같은 점에 초점을 맞추어 강조한다는 점을 보완해야 한다.

The purpose of this study is to analyse thoughts of Alain Badiou who is a living French influential philosopher, and to get it's educational implications. Modern philosophical thoughts have come into relativism, and have lost out it's universality. And neo-liberalism which based on money-value have taken the universality which the authentic philosophy has lost out. And education society have been on the same way. People finds that quality of their life have gotten down due to relativism. Badiou is against the philosophical circumstance like this, and have been trying to rebuild a authentic philosophy which based on the true theory which guarantees the universality. For Badiou, the procedure of the true making is ‘situation' - ‘involvement(naming)’ - ‘event’ - ‘fidelity(inquiring)’ - ‘true’. The ‘situation' refers to a world filled with multiple elements which include formal elements and informal elements like void. The ‘involvement' refers to giving a name to informal elements like void, and binding together the elements under the name. The ‘event' is a finding of/with the involvement. the ‘fidelity' is to unremittedly, sincerely inquire the event, and the ‘inquire' refers to compare the elements on the event with the old elements in the situation. The ‘true' refers to a result of/through the fidelity. According to Badiou's true theory, a constructive education theory need to get supplemented with the fidelity to get grade up. And multi-cultural education theory have not to focus difference between cultures but to focus sameness between them.