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이 글은 바디우의 진리론이 가지고 있는 이론적 난점을 분석하고, 이 난점 해결에 있어 교육학이 해야 할 과제를 분석하는 연구이다. 바디우 진리론에 있어서, 진리와 지식의 관계를 담고 있는 서술은 ‘진리는 지식들에 구멍을 낸다’, ‘진리는 백과사전식 지식체를 재편케 한다’이라는 서술이며, 이 서술에는 ‘지식에 진리가 없다’와 ‘지식에 진리가 있다’는 모순된 견해가 각각 담겨 있으며, 이 모순은 ‘촉성’이라는 개념에 의해 해소된다. 그런데 바디우 진리론이 가지고 있는 이 모순은 촉성을 통해 해소되는 것 같아 보이지만, 진리와 지식, 참과 진리성 간의 간격은 여전히 존재하여, 이 간격은 바디우 진리론을 교육학에 도입하는 데 있어 난점으로 작용한다. 이 난점의 해소를 위해서는 ‘상황–개입–사건–충실 - 진리’ 라는 진리생성과정 중 충실 활동의 개념 확장이 필요하며, 이 일에 있어서 진리 주체가 갖추어야 하는 태도와 능력을 구체화 하고, 이 태도와 능력을 진리 주체가 갖게 하기 위해서는 어떠한 교육이 적절한가에 대한 연구가 교육학자들의 과제이다.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between truth and knowledge on the Badiou’s truth theory, and to find out the way of going through predicament which the theory are in. Badiou is currently one of the most influential scholars, and his truth theory is being studied by persons which want to break down the relative truth theory across the world. In the Badiou’s theory, the true making process is 'situation - involvement(naming) - event - fidelity(inquiring) - true'. And the statements and verb that representatively show the relationship between the truth and the knowledge are ‘truth is a hole of knowledge’, ‘truth forces knowledges to be rearranged’ and ‘forcing’. The statement that is ‘truth is a hole of knowledge’ refers to that truth is not laid in the knowledge., and this argue is against the authentic principle of knowledge theory such as ‘the object of knowledge is true’. The statement that is ‘truth forces knowledges to be rearranged’ refers to that true is laid in knowledge. So, we find out that there is paradox between the two statement. The paradox is resolved with the forcing. The forcing is procedure which the operator takes truth in the future anterior and puts the true into the knowledge. Even though the knowledge comes to get the truth through the forcing, the truth after the forcing is a little away from the truth as ideal type. So educators comes to face problem that there is short on justification for educating which transmit the knowledge to students. Badiou who recognized problems of the forcing attempts to resolve the problem with focusing the fidelity in the true making process. But his ideas is not enough to come up with the problem. So if educators want to accept the Badiou’s theory in order to get good education, they need to seek the new justification for teaching knowledge within Badiou’s truth theory. And educators are able to accomplish this task by focusing true-subject’s attitude, will and ability.