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The distinction between Reading text and the history of literature, especially Myeong Sun Lee's case. Dongnam Journal of Korean Language & Literature 31. This thesis aims to research on the distinctions between Reading Chosun ancient literature and the history of Chosun literature written by Myeong Sun Lee. Reading text written for the purpose of the contemporary literal education and the history of literature is for the historical, literal education. There are clear distinctions between them in the purpose and the attitude of writing. The same writer showed some conflicting views in different books. It looks inconsistencies in his attitudes toward Korean literature. For instance, he selected works counting on contemporary aesthetic values in Reading Chosun ancient literature, but he choosed the historical and social, meaningful works in the history of Chosun literature. This is the reasons why the interpretation and conflicting views showed in two books. These phenomena could be critics for current researchers stressing the strict of study. But we have to admit the interpretations of literal texts could be diverse according to the times and the view of point.