초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This paper aims to expand narcissistic Double into modern Avatar in The Picture of Dorian Gray(1891) which has been reviewed from aestheticism and homosexuality point of view. In the text, Dorian Gray was innocent boy who doesn't realize his own beauty, looking at his portrait by Vasil and being indulged in his beauty. In the influence of Henry, Dorian and his picture become narcissistic doubles. The portrait isn't a kind of representation, with the reproduction through painter's personal emotions but Simulacre which gets us not to distinguish the picture from the character. Dorian and his picture are manifested as doubles beyond the realm of men and objects on the basis of Simulacre from Jean Baudrillard. His portrait which causes Dorian to recognize his beauty and to go into Narcissism also brings out impermeable anxiety because of his refusal of the aging process. Sigmund Freud thought that pressure can't generate anxiety, rather anxiety makes more pressure in his earlier works. As one of significant topics in the long philosophy history, Dorian's anxiety bring out climax pressure in Dorian as self who remains in the imaginary and can't enter the symbol, raising multiple questions on subject. He is always young and beautiful externally, but distorted in the mind. Like this, anxiety and fear are inevitable things, at the same time, very fascinating. The Dorian's picture that produces Narcissism and following anxiety goes beyond picture and proceeds into modern Avatar through each characters' power of influence. Firstly, the man who wanted Dorian to become his avatar, influencing him unknowingly and making his picture was Vasil. Henry was the man who dispersed Vasil's affect on Dorian, he started to pull the strings on him. Sometimes, Dorian had impacted on the others like Sybil and Campbell, however, the manipulator that made Dorian his avatar was his portrait. Dorian as incomplete Self came to reach unintentional death himself by stabbing his picture, his double, that has caused every anxiety. The meaning of his death is that young and beautiful Dorian is transformed into an old and ugly man. This shows transposition possibility of self and the other. This text from 19 century holds subversion that makes us search the separate subject seriously in it and modernity that lets us explain double and avatar at a time. In the intersection of the gaze that the picture looks at us and sight that we stare at the other, subject and the others consistently can switch their position and produce newer stories. Double and avatar in the picture of the text contain transgression and substitute for a fixed self under various repressions. Furthermore, it enables us to continue the study on self and the other. Through it, we can get over the limited and narrow-minded point of view, instead of forcing the text to remain within the one or two intolerant categories.
This paper aims to expand narcissistic Double into modern Avatar in The Picture of Dorian Gray(1891) which has been reviewed from aestheticism and homosexuality point of view. In the text, Dorian Gray was innocent boy who doesn't realize his own beauty, looking at his portrait by Vasil and being indulged in his beauty. In the influence of Henry, Dorian and his picture become narcissistic doubles. The portrait isn't a kind of representation, with the reproduction through painter's personal emotions but Simulacre which gets us not to distinguish the picture from the character. Dorian and his picture are manifested as doubles beyond the realm of men and objects on the basis of Simulacre from Jean Baudrillard. His portrait which causes Dorian to recognize his beauty and to go into Narcissism also brings out impermeable anxiety because of his refusal of the aging process. Sigmund Freud thought that pressure can't generate anxiety, rather anxiety makes more pressure in his earlier works. As one of significant topics in the long philosophy history, Dorian's anxiety bring out climax pressure in Dorian as self who remains in the imaginary and can't enter the symbol, raising multiple questions on subject. He is always young and beautiful externally, but distorted in the mind. Like this, anxiety and fear are inevitable things, at the same time, very fascinating. The Dorian's picture that produces Narcissism and following anxiety goes beyond picture and proceeds into modern Avatar through each characters' power of influence. Firstly, the man who wanted Dorian to become his avatar, influencing him unknowingly and making his picture was Vasil. Henry was the man who dispersed Vasil's affect on Dorian, he started to pull the strings on him. Sometimes, Dorian had impacted on the others like Sybil and Campbell, however, the manipulator that made Dorian his avatar was his portrait. Dorian as incomplete Self came to reach unintentional death himself by stabbing his picture, his double, that has caused every anxiety. The meaning of his death is that young and beautiful Dorian is transformed into an old and ugly man. This shows transposition possibility of self and the other. This text from 19 century holds subversion that makes us search the separate subject seriously in it and modernity that lets us explain double and avatar at a time. In the intersection of the gaze that the picture looks at us and sight that we stare at the other, subject and the others consistently can switch their position and produce newer stories. Double and avatar in the picture of the text contain transgression and substitute for a fixed self under various repressions. Furthermore, it enables us to continue the study on self and the other. Through it, we can get over the limited and narrow-minded point of view, instead of forcing the text to remain within the one or two intolerant categories.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
double, simulacre, narcissism, anxiety, gaze, avatar, self and the other, disturbance