초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Regional literature is the concrete field of the Korea Literature. The research literature of each regional literature during the liberation period is very important task that is to explore the origins of half-national 'national literature'. Immediately after the liberation of the Incheon region cultural organizations that was closely associated with the central cultural institutions have been formed. Incheon-Sinmunhwa-Hyuphoe and Incheon-sinyesulga-Hyuphoe was born at that time. Two organizations was incorporated in Incheon-Munhak-Dongmaeng. Incheon-Munhak-Dongmaeng was the role of Incheon branch of Chosun-Munhakga-Dongmaeng. Incheon-Munhak-Dongmaeng deployed variety of activities until 1947 ago. However, Incheon-Munhak-Dongmaeng had been shrinking its activities in division situation. Except for Incheon-Munhak-Dongmaeng, the various literary groups and literary coteries were active in Incheon. But these organizations published literary media and coterie magazines that was not currently almost left. So this time, the face of Incheon's regional literature can look through the DaeJung-Ilbo which was published during the liberation period. The Daejung-Ilbo's the chief editor was Eum Heung-seop who was novelist and chairman of Incheon-Munhak-Dongmaeng. However, there was just not that many printed literary works. Rather than mere a few fiction and essays, was better poems about 20 pieces. That poems was trying to describe the realities of contemporary. But Incheon's regional literature was redrawn along with the anticommunism under the division system since 1949.