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This is a research analyzing exile literary of Seo-je, Im,Jing-ha(1687~1730). Im, Jing-ha was a minister in the late Chosun Dynasty and he died from the investigation from the King, Yeong-jo because he was against the law, Tangpyeongchaek, therefore, he was exiled to Sun-an, Pyeongan Province and he translated into Je-ju island. Most his collection works was written in his exile times except early years. The author discuss this paper in chronological order based on these characteristics of his collection of works and analyzed his psychological situation, and .the context of his exile according to his literature works. First, the life and the reason of his exile was dealt and his literature and his exile literature was researched in honest from Sun-an to Jesu Island. Im, Jing-ha was feeling very anxious to head to Sun-an at first under the sentence of the exile. He expressed himself through application or news, which could be psychological sense of kinship coming from a concomitant feature such as banishment or exile. However, Im, Jing-ha's exile in Sun-an was a relatively comfortable with the people around him and the ministers in the Sun-an area. His exile that was somewhat relaxed became imminent when he was decided to go into exile, in Jeju Island. At this time, Im, Jing-ha behaved courageous actions to overcome anxiety. However, such his appearance was uncontrollable, so it looks like a laughter with deep sadness. These contradictory appearance could be found in his poetry. His work created in Jeju Island is noticed with the relation from Kim, Chun-taek. Im, Jing-ha began to create a poem about Jeju for the response to the work of Kim, Chun-taek, and he respond the work of Kim, Chun-taek throughout his exile in Jeju island. It has a characteristic that connects Kim, Chun-taek's literature with a sympathy about a exile in Jeju Island. Also Kim, Chun-taek respond to the poems of his father, Kim, Jin-gui, and they are evaluated as a literary performance as a mediator in Jeju Island. The similar form like poems about Jeju Island were created into poems about Tam-la by Hoe-heon, Cho, Gwan-bin or Cho, Jeong-cheol afterward. It is connecting the timeless sympathy of literature while sharing experiences of an exile from exiles in Jeju Island and timeless literary creations and Im, Jng-ha is thought as a mediator to connect them.