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As the term Tasan studies(茶山學) is in common use today thanks to the achievements of Tasan during the period of banishment, in many cases people pay attention to the poems intending to participate in the society of the period of banishment also when discussing the poetic literature of Tasan. However, even not in the period of banishment, the Confucianists in Joseon including Tasan can be seen to have possessed the critical consciousness and aesthetic consciousness based on concerned consciousness(憂患意識) as the characteristic of intellectuals since the Sung dynasty(宋代). With this as the prerequisite, this paper examined the theme appearing in the poetic literature of Tasan centering on the poems written by Tasan before and after 1795 when he was demoted to the upper director of Geumjeong Postal Station(金井察訪). In the replying poem of Tasan in the first half of 1795, the consciousness of dedicating oneself(自獻) to more actively respond beyond just to feel sympathy for the direction of King Jongjo in steering the country's affairs is revealed. It can be said it is natural for Tasan to show a change in attitude of poetic narrator going through the period of demotion. However, the changes of attitude appearing in the poems that he wrote can be said to be the expression of self-comfortism(自靖) through the study of Confucian classics rather than the revelation of the process of emotions of denial - anger -compromise - depression - acceptance. Therefore, one can focus on the critical consciousness based on elegant beauty, tragic beauty and realism in the poetic literature of Tasan, but it can be also seen as significant to analyze the poetic literature of Tasan not as a product of personal space and time but in a large framework as participative literature based on sympathy.